[MySQL]错误 1248 (42000):每个派生表都必须有自己的别名

我试图找出每个配方的最大/最小/平均工艺长度/步骤数以及使用这些配方的晶圆数量。 该表很大,并且按时间单位记录,因此有很多重复的数据,例如食谱或recipe_step。 这是我的代码,请帮助我:

select distinct 
    recipe as recipe_id, 
    max(pl) as max_process_length, 
    min(pl) as min_process_length, 
    avg(pl) as avg_process_length, 
    max(steps) as max_number_of_steps, 
    min(steps) as min_number_of_steps, 
    avg(steps) as avg_number_of_steps, 
    count(wfr_id) as number_of_wafers
into outfile 'C:/ProgramData/MySQL/MySQL Server 8.0/Uploads/process_id.xls'
from 01m02train 
group by recipe
having (
    max(pl) = (
        select max(pt) 
        from (
            select count(time) as pt 
            from 01m02train 
            group by (recipe,wfr_id)
    ) as `maxpl` 
    and min(pl) = (
        select min(pt) 
        from (
            select count(time) as pt 
            from 01m02train 
            group by (recipe,wfr_id)
    ) as `minpl` 
    and avg(pl) = (
        select avg(pt) 
        from (
            select count(time) as pt 
            from 01m02train 
            group by (recipe,wfr_id)
    ) as `avgpl` 
    and max(steps) = (
        select max(rs) 
        from (
            select distinct count(recipe_step) as rs 
            from 01m02train 
            group by (recipe,wfr_id)
    ) as `maxrs` 
    and min(steps) = (
        select min(rs) 
        from (
            select distinct count(recipe_step) as rs 
            from 01m02train 
            group by (recipe,wfr_id)
    ) as `minrs` 
    and avg(steps) = (
        select avg(rs) 
        from (
            select distinct count(recipe_step) as rs 
            from 01m02train 
            group by (recipe,wfr_id)
    ) as `avgrs`

在你拥有比较子句中,你放置了太多( (,这些不能解析子查询的表名别名

having ( max(pl)=( <----  this must removed 
    select max(pt) from ( 
        select count(time) as pt 
        from 01m02train 
        group by (recipe,wfr_id)
    ) <---- this must removed 
) as `maxpl` 
and min(pl)=( <----  this must removed 
    select min(pt) from (  
        select count(time) as pt 
        from 01m02train 
        group by (recipe,wfr_id) 
      )<---- this must removed 
  ) as `minpl` and

您必须删除子查询的相应 (( 对,如以下示例所示

  having ( max(pl)=
    select max(pt) from ( 
        select count(time) as pt 
        from 01m02train 
        group by (recipe,wfr_id)
) as `maxpl` 
and min(pl)=
    select min(pt) from (  <----  this must removed 
        select count(time) as pt 
        from 01m02train 
        group by (recipe,wfr_id) 

( 作为minpl


max(pl) = (
    select max(pt) 
    from (
        select count(time) as pt 
        from 01m02train 
        group by (recipe,wfr_id)
) as `maxpl` 


max(pl) = (
    select max(pt) 
    from (
        select count(time) as pt 
        from 01m02train 
        group by (recipe,wfr_id)
    ) as `maxpl`


  • group by子句中枚举的列周围不需要括号(这是多余的(

  • having子句中的条件也是如此(除非您混合andor,否则您不会(

  • select distinct group by没有意义(本质上两者都是聚合(


    recipe as recipe_id, 
    max(pl) as max_process_length, 
    min(pl) as min_process_length, 
    avg(pl) as avg_process_length, 
    max(steps) as max_number_of_steps, 
    min(steps) as min_number_of_steps, 
    avg(steps) as avg_number_of_steps, 
    count(wfr_id) as number_of_wafers
into outfile 'C:/ProgramData/MySQL/MySQL Server 8.0/Uploads/process_id.xls'
from 01m02train 
group by recipe
    max(pl) = (
        select max(pt) 
        from (
            select count(time) as pt 
            from 01m02train 
            group by (recipe,wfr_id)
        ) as `maxpl` 
    and min(pl) = (
        select min(pt) 
        from (
            select count(time) as pt 
            from 01m02train 
            group by (recipe,wfr_id)
        ) as `minpl` 
    and avg(pl) = (
        select avg(pt) 
        from (
            select count(time) as pt 
            from 01m02train 
            group by (recipe,wfr_id)
        ) as `avgpl` 
    and max(steps) = (
        select max(rs) 
        from (
            select count(recipe_step) as rs 
            from 01m02train 
            group by (recipe,wfr_id)
        ) as `maxrs` 
    and min(steps) = (
        select min(rs) 
        from (
            select count(recipe_step) as rs 
            from 01m02train 
            group by (recipe,wfr_id)
        ) as `minrs`
    and avg(steps) = (
        select avg(rs) 
        from (
            select count(recipe_step) as rs 
            from 01m02train 
            group by (recipe,wfr_id)
        ) as `avgrs`
