如何初始化和访问const char*const*

我看到一个C++代码,其中一个结构定义如下,带有奇怪的const char* const*

struct TestStruct {
const char* const* text; 
void* data;


TestStruct TestFunction() {
TestStruct struct_obj;
// TODO: how to assign struct_obj.text 
int main() {
TestStruct struct_obj = TestFunction();
// TODO: how to access struct_obj.text


TestStruct TestFunction() 
char** lines = new char*[2];
// Work with char** stored in lines
*(lines + 0) = new char[10];
*(lines + 1) = new char[20];
void* data = nullptr;
return TestStruct{ lines , data };
int main()
TestStruct my_struct = TestFunction();
// const char* const * means it's an immutable array of immutable CStrings
const char* line_one = *my_struct.text;
const char* line_two = *(my_struct.text + 1);

std::cout << line_one << std::endl;
std::cout << line_two << std::endl;


"const char*const*";表示指向不可变字符串表的指针引用。这意味着引用本身可以随时更改为引用其他表。constness的最大级别是";const char*const*const"其读取为对不可变表的指针常量引用。指针常量引用意味着它在构造后不能指向任何其他表,如果它是结构的成员,则肯定需要对其进行聚合初始化,或者至少默认构造


TestStruct TestFunction() {
static const char* string = "hello world";
TestStruct struct_obj = {
&string,  // The text member
nullptr   // The data member
return struct_obj;

TestStruct struct_obj;
(char*&)struct_obj.text = "works";
