
我正在使用Laravel 4编写一个用户注册表单,该表单允许用户在first_namelast_name字段中输入自己的姓名。在表单输入验证过程中,我想根据要保存的表中的值中的组合名称first_name + " " + last_name来检查这两个字段的唯一性。


理想情况下,我会做一些类似unique:tableName,first_name + " " + last_name的事情,或者在模型本身中指定一些东西,但我在复合/虚拟字段上找不到任何东西。




Validator::extend('unique_composite', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters)
    // Get table name from first parameter
    $table  = array_shift($parameters);
    $fields = implode(',', $parameters);
    // Build the query that searches the database for matches
    $matches = DB::table($table)
                ->where(DB::raw('CONCAT_WS(" ", ' . $fields . ')'), $value)
    // Validation result will be false if any rows match the combination
    return ($matches == 0);


$validator = Validator::make(
    array('full_name' => $firstName + ' ' + $lastName),
    array('full_name' => 'unique_composite:users,first_name,last_name')



'first_name' => 'unique_multiple_fields:members,first_name,last_name'


use IlluminateValidationValidator as IlluminateValidator;
class CustomValidatorRules extends IlluminateValidator
     * Validate that there are no records in the specified table which match all of the 
     * data values in the specified fields. Returns true iff the number of matching 
     * records is zero.
    protected function validateUniqueMultipleFields( $attribute, $value, $parameters )
        if (is_null($parameters) || empty($parameters)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Expected $parameters to be a non-empty array.');
        if (count($parameters) < 3) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('The $parameters option should have at least 3 items: table, field1, field2, [...], fieldN.');
        // Get table name from first parameter, now left solely with field names.
        $table = array_shift($parameters);
        // Uppercase the table name, remove the 's' at the end if it exists
        // to get the class name of the model (by Laravel convention).
        $modelName = preg_replace("/^(.*)([s])$/", "$1", ucfirst($table));
        // Create the SQL, start by getting only the fields specified in parameters
        $select = $modelName::select($parameters);
        // Generate the WHERE clauses of the SQL query.
        foreach ($parameters as $fieldName) {
            $curFieldVal = ($fieldName === $attribute) ? $value : $this->data[$fieldName];
            if (is_null($curFieldVal)) {
                // There is no data for the field specified, so fail.
                throw new Exception("Expected `{$fieldName}` data to be set in the validator.");
            // Add the current field name and value
            $select->where($fieldName, '=', $curFieldVal);
        // Get the number of fields found
        $numFound = $select->count();
        return ($numFound === 0);


use IlluminateValidationValidator as IlluminateValidator;
class CustomValidatorRules extends IlluminateValidator
     * Validate that the final value of a set of fields - joined by an optional separator -
     * doesn't match any records in the specified table. Returns true iff the number of
     * matching records is zero.
    protected function validateUniqueComposite( $attribute, $value, $parameters )
        if (is_null($parameters) || empty($parameters)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Expected $parameters to be a non-empty array.');
        if (count($parameters) < 3) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('The $parameters option should have at least 3 items: table, field1, field2, [...], fieldN.');//, [separator].');
        // Get table name from first parameter
        $table = array_shift($parameters);
        // Determine the separator
        $separator = '';
        $lastParam = array_pop($parameters);
        if (! isset($this->data[$lastParam])) {
            $separator = $lastParam;
        // Get the names of the rest of the fields.
        $fields = array();
        foreach ($parameters as $fieldName) {
            array_push($fields, $table . "." . $fieldName);
        $fields = implode(', ', $fields);
        $dataFieldValues = array();
        foreach ($parameters as $fieldName) {
            $curFieldVal = ($fieldName === $attribute) ? $value : $this->data[$fieldName];
            if (is_null($curFieldVal)) {
                throw new Exception("Expected `{$fieldName}` data.");
            array_push($dataFieldValues, $curFieldVal);
        $compositeValue = implode($separator, $dataFieldValues);
        // Uppercase the table name, remove the 's' at the end if it exists
        // to get the class name of the model (by Laravel convention).
        $modelName = preg_replace("/^(.*)([s])$/", "$1", ucfirst($table));
        $raw = DB::raw("concat_ws('" . $separator . "', " . $fields . ")");
        $model = new $modelName;
        // Generate the SQL query
        $select = $modelName::where($raw, '=', $compositeValue);
        $numFound = $select->count();
        return ($numFound === 0);


'first_name' => 'required|unique:table_name,first_name,null,id,last_name,'.$data['last_name'],
'last_name' => 'required|unique:table_name,last_name,null,id,first_name,'.$data['first_name'],


CCD_ 14的唯一性也是如此。


