从Unix机器中识别Windows Selenium节点中的下载文件





function checkChromeForDownloadedFile(fileName: string, state: string = 'COMPLETE') {
    // open new tab
    await browser.executeScript('return window.open()');
    // switch to downloads tab window
    let tabs: string[] = await browser.getAllWindowHandles();
    await browser.switchTo().window(tabs[1]);
    // open downloads page
    await browser.get('chrome://downloads');
    // 1 sec delay.
    await browser.sleep(1000);
    let downloadedItems;
    try {
        await browser.wait(() => {
            // fetch downloaded items 
            return browser.executeScript('return downloads.Manager.get().items_').then((result) => {
                downloadedItems = result;
                if (!downloadedItems) {
                    return false;
                // search for downloaded file with state complete and filename
                return downloadedItems.some(i => i.file_name === fileName && i.state === state.toUpperCase());
            }).catch( () => {
                return false;
        }, 10000, `File ${fileName} with download sate ${state} was not found within 10 seconds`);
    } catch (error) {
        console.log('there was an error while trying to fetch downloaded files');
        throw error;

    // close the tab
    await browser.close();

    // switch back to original window
    await browser.switchTo().window(tabs[0]);
