使用模块运行工作簿中的所有工作表- VBA




sub scheduleAnalyzer()
Dim ws_count As Integer
Dim I As Integer
ws_count = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.Count
For I = 1 To ws_count 
    'then my code which analyzes the schedule and prints results on a new sheet
Next I
End Sub


Dim month1 As Range
Dim month2 As Range
Dim month3 As Range
Dim month1_start As String
Dim month1_end As String
Dim month2_start As String
Dim month2_end As String
Dim month3_start As String
Dim month3_end As String  
month1_start = "B6"
monthRow = 6
dayRow = 7
For k = 2 To maxCol
    If Cells(monthRow, k).Interior.color = colorArray(10) And Cells(monthRow, k + 1).Interior.color = colorArray(11) Then
        month1_end = Cells(monthRow, k).Address
        month2_start = Cells(monthRow, k + 1).Address
    ElseIf Cells(monthRow, k).Interior.color = colorArray(11) And Cells(monthRow, k + 1).Interior.color = colorArray(10) Then
        month2_end = Cells(monthRow, k).Address
        month3_start = Cells(monthRow, k + 1).Address
    ElseIf Cells(monthRow, k).Interior.color = colorArray(10) And Cells(monthRow, k + 1).Interior.color = colorArray(9) Then
        month3_end = Cells(monthRow, k).Address
    End If
Next k
month1 = Range(month1_start, month1_end) '<--------------- run-time error 1004 method range of object _global failed
month2 = Range(month2_start, month2_end)
month3 = Range(month3_start, month3_end)



您获得的"对象_global的方法范围失败"错误可能是因为month1_end没有设置,这可能是因为您的代码从未设置变量maxCol(因此您的For k =循环将永远不会执行),或者您可能已经在代码中设置了maxCol,在这种情况下,month1_end可能没有被正确设置,因为它没有处理您打算的工作表。


sub scheduleAnalyzer()
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim month1 As Range
    Dim month2 As Range
    Dim month3 As Range
    Dim month1_start As String
    Dim month1_end As String
    Dim month2_start As String
    Dim month2_end As String
    Dim month3_start As String
    Dim month3_end As String  
    'monthRow is not defined in original code
    Dim monthRow As Long
    'dayRow is not defined in original code
    Dim dayRow As Long
    'k is not defined in original code
    Dim k As Long
    'maxCol isn't defined or assigned a value in original code
    Dim maxCol As Long
    maxCol = 36 ' <-- purely random number - please assign it how you were assigning it when code was working
    For Each ws in ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
        With ws
            month1_start = "B6"
            monthRow = 6
            dayRow = 7
            For k = 2 To maxCol
                If .Cells(monthRow, k).Interior.color = colorArray(10) And .Cells(monthRow, k + 1).Interior.color = colorArray(11) Then
                    month1_end = .Cells(monthRow, k).Address
                    month2_start = .Cells(monthRow, k + 1).Address
                ElseIf .Cells(monthRow, k).Interior.color = colorArray(11) And .Cells(monthRow, k + 1).Interior.color = colorArray(10) Then
                    month2_end = .Cells(monthRow, k).Address
                    month3_start = .Cells(monthRow, k + 1).Address
                ElseIf .Cells(monthRow, k).Interior.color = colorArray(10) And .Cells(monthRow, k + 1).Interior.color = colorArray(9) Then
                    month3_end = .Cells(monthRow, k).Address
                End If
            Next k
            Set month1 = .Range(month1_start, month1_end)
            Set month2 = .Range(month2_start, month2_end)
            Set month3 = .Range(month3_start, month3_end)
        End With
End Sub



Sub RunAllScheduleAnalyzer
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    For Each ws in Worksheets
End Sub

我不建议这是一个短期的解决方案-使用Activate(和Select)来确定哪些单元格将被VBA应用程序处理是应该避免的,如果可能的话,因为它会导致太多的"但是这个代码通常工作!? ?!?"类型的问题。
