如何声明 gradle Antlr 任务输出规范以避免不必要的重建

我有一个典型的Antlr 4.5项目,有两个语法文件:MyLexer.g4和MyParser.g4。从中,Antlr生成6个输出文件:MyLexer.java,MyLexer.tokens,MyParser.java,MyParser.tokens,MyParserBaseListener.java和MyParserListener.java。gradle 任务都正常工作,因此输出文件都按预期生成、编译和测试。

问题是 gradle 认为 6 个目标文件总是过时,因此每个运行或调试会话都必须重新生成它们,因此即使没有源文件更改,也必须重新编译主 java 项目。

生成文件的 gradle 任务将输出规范定义为生成 6 个输出文件的文件夹。我认为我需要一种方法将其定义为 6 个特定文件而不是输出文件夹。我只是不知道这样做的语法。


ext.antlr4 = [
    antlrSource:    "src/main/antlr",
    destinationDir: "src/main/java/com/myantlrquestion/core/antlr/generated",
    grammarpackage:               "com.myantlrquestion.core.antlr.generated"
task makeAntlrOutputDir << {
task compileAntlrGrammars(type: JavaExec, dependsOn: makeAntlrOutputDir) {
    // Grammars are conveniently sorted alphabetically. I assume that will remain true.
    // That ensures that files named *Lexer.g4 are listed and therefore processed before the corresponding *Parser.g4
    // It matters because the Lexer must be processed first since the Parser needs the .tokens file from the Lexer.
    // Also note that the output file naming convention for combined grammars is slightly different from separate Lexer and Parser grammars.
    def grammars = fileTree(antlr4.antlrSource).include('**/*.g4')
    def target = file("${antlr4.destinationDir}")
    inputs.files grammars
    // TODO: This output spec is incorrect, so this task is never considered up to date.
    // TODO: Tweak the outputs collection so it is correct with combined grammars as well as separate Lexer and Parser grammars.
    outputs.dir target
    main = 'org.antlr.v4.Tool'
    classpath = configurations.antlr4
    // Antlr command line args are at https://theantlrguy.atlassian.net/wiki/display/ANTLR4/ANTLR+Tool+Command+Line+Options
    args = ["-o", target,
            "-lib", target,
            //"-listener",      //"-listener" is the default
            //"-no-visitor",    //"-no-visitor" is the default
            "-package", antlr4.grammarpackage,
    // include optional description and group (shown by ./gradlew tasks command)
    description = 'Generates Java sources from ANTLR4 grammars.'
    group       = 'Build'
compileJava {
    dependsOn compileAntlrGrammars
    // this next line isn't technically needed unless the antlr4.destinationDir is not under buildDir, but it doesn't hurt either
    source antlr4.destinationDir
task cleanAntlr {
    delete antlr4.destinationDir
clean.dependsOn cleanAntlr

我发现问题不在于目标文件已过时,而是由于 cleanAntlr 任务中的错误,每次运行任何 gradle 任务时都会删除它们。问题在于,cleanAntlr 中的所有代码都在 gradle 的初始化和配置阶段运行,即使 cleanAntlr 任务本身没有被执行。


task cleanAntlr {
    delete antlr4.destinationDir
clean.dependsOn cleanAntlr


task cleanAntlr << {
    delete antlr4.destinationDir
clean.dependsOn cleanAntlr


task cleanAntlr {
    doLast() {
        // Be sure to wrap the execution phase code inside doLast(). 
        // Otherwise it will run during the initialization or configuration phase, even when an unrelated task is is run.
        // It would also run when the NetBeas IDE first loaded the project.
        //println 'Deleting Antlr Directory: ' + antlr4.destinationDir
        delete antlr4.destinationDir
clean.dependsOn cleanAntlr

修复该错误后,编译AntlrGrammars任务的原始输出规范可以正常工作。无需指定每个单独的输出文件。这在 https://gradle.org/docs/current/userguide/more_about_tasks.html 的第 15.9.2 节中得到了很好的解释。

def grammars = fileTree(antlr4.antlrSource).include('**/*.g4')
def target = file("${antlr4.destinationDir}")
inputs.files grammars
outputs.dir target


generatedFiles = ['MyLexer.java',] // and so on..
generatedFiles.each { f -> outputs.file("$target/$f") }
