我正在尝试创建一个程序,该程序将允许用户将数字(int not str(传递给列表,然后我可以将其传递给三个子类。我有父级温度,以及华氏,摄氏和开尔文的儿童课程。目标是让用户输入尽可能多的数字,直到他们输入"退出",然后将这些数字传递给子类,以便我可以根据这些数字来调用这些方法。我觉得我缺少一些非常简单的东西,但我不能放置它。我是编程的新手,所以请友善....
from Temperature import Temperature
from Fahrenheit import Fahrenheit
from Celsius import Celsius
from Kelvin import Kelvin
while True:
if input == 'quit':
temperatures = []
print ("Fnter a value for each temp, or type 'quit' to finish")
f = Fahrenheit(input(int('Enter a temp in F: ')))
c = Celsius (input(int('Enter a temp in C: ')))
k = Kelvin (input(int('Enter a temp in K: ')))
for temp in temperatures:
print (temp.get_temp())
print (temp.above_freezing())
print (temp.convert_2F())
print (temp.convert_2C())
print (temp.convert_2K())
print ()
from Temperature import Temperature
from Fahrenheit import Fahrenheit
from Celsius import Celsius
from Kelvin import Kelvin
temperatures = []
while True:
if input == 'quit':
print ("Enter a value for each temp, or type 'quit' to finish")
f = Fahrenheit(int(input('Enter a temp in F: ')))
c = Celsius (int(input('Enter a temp in C: ')))
k = Kelvin (int(input('Enter a temp in K: ')))
for temp in temperatures:
print (temp.get_temp())
print (temp.above_freezing())
print (temp.convert_2F())
print (temp.convert_2C())
print (temp.convert_2K())
print ()
Enter a value for each temp, or type 'quit' to finish
Enter a temp in F: 5
Enter a temp in C: 5
Enter a temp in K: 5
The current temperature is: 5
(False, '5 degrees Fahrenheit is at or below freezing')
The current temperature is 5 degrees Fahrenheit.
5 degrees Fahrenheit is -15.0 degrees in Celsius.
5 degrees Fahrenheit is 258.15 Kelvin.
The current temperature is: 5
(True, '5 degrees Celsius is above freezing')
5 degrees Celsius is 41.0 degrees in Fahrenheit.
The current temperature is 5 degrees Celsius.
5 degrees Celsius is 278.15 Kelvin.
The current temperature is: 5
(False, '5 Kelvin is at or below freezing')
5 Kelvin is -450.66999999999996 degrees in Fahrenheit.
5 Kelvin is -268.15 degrees in Celsius.
The current temperature is 5 Kelvin.
Enter a value for each temp, or type 'quit' to finish
Enter a temp in F: quit
Traceback (most recent call last):
...line 14, in <module>
f = Fahrenheit(int(input('Enter a temp in F: ')))
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'quit'
from Temperature import Temperature
from Fahrenheit import Fahrenheit
from Celsius import Celsius
from Kelvin import Kelvin
prompt = "nEnter a number for each temp, and I will give you all the info you need."
prompt += "n(Don't worry, we'll store all your info as we go along so you don't lose anything)"
prompt += "nYou can hit 'Enter' to add numbers or type 'quit' to stop the loop: "
temperatures = []
while True:
message = input(prompt)
if message == 'quit':
print ("Enter a value for each temp, or enter 'quit' to finish")
f = Fahrenheit(int(input('Enter a temp in F: ')))
c = Celsius (int(input('Enter a temp in C: ')))
k = Kelvin (int(input('Enter a temp in K: ')))
for temp in temperatures:
print (temp.get_temp())
print (temp.above_freezing())
print (temp.convert_2F())
print (temp.convert_2C())
print (temp.convert_2K())
print ()