"Update Integer Value"功能不完全准确

我正在使用javascript函数来跟踪/更新文件夹中的文件数量。它在大多数情况下都非常准确,但误差幅度约为 10%。我认为这与"totalItemCount"变量未正确更新有关。我已经找了几个小时,但找不到我可能搞砸的地方。这是一个很长的文件,但实际上您所要查看的只是"totalItemCount"变量

new ApiClient({
    //marketing (69 Files, 40 Folders, 109 total, 204MB): 7f6d706e-6754-e411-b5b8-d4ae5294c399
    //tgsr/...governence (1,302 Files, 130 Folders, 1432 total): bba3bd73-f855-e411-b5b8-d4ae5294c399
    //infrastructureSoftware(): 7009c1d2-7e67-e511-80cc-000af7703bc2
    //  HELM Platform: bbab7b02-4e39-4287-abd2-445688cf4fb1
    //bbl... 6ce640d2-722f-48b4-a1de-7a059305b6c3
    apimethod: 'objects/95750c6b-84f5-4587-8b86-b559551f7660/children/view',
    method: 'get',
    queryparams: {
        maxcount: 8000,
        startindex: 0,
        includefuturepublished: true
    onSuccess: function (responseText) 
        var result = JSON.parse(responseText);
        var originalObject = result; //first, top-level object
        var totalItemCount = 0;
        var filesize = 0;
        totalItemCount += parseInt(result.response.totalCount);
        //Check if object has children and add to totalItemCount accordingly FOR EACH object:
        function getItemsRecursively(totalItemCount1, filesize1)
            for(var i = 0; i < parseInt(totalItemCount); i++) //at this point, totalCount == #objects at this lvl
                var currentObject = result.response.items[i];
                if(currentObject.size != undefined)
                    filesize += currentObject.size;
                    filesize1 = filesize;

                if(currentObject.numchildren > 0 && currentObject.numchildren != undefined)
                    getChildrenItemCount(totalItemCount1, currentObject, filesize1);
        function getChildrenItemCount(totalItemCount2, previousObject, filesize2)
            //totalItemCount2 = totalItemCount;
            var childID = previousObject.id;
            new ApiClient
                apimethod: 'objects/' + childID + '/children/view',
                method: 'get',
                queryparams: {
                    maxcount: 8000,
                    startindex: 0,
                    includefuturepublished: true
                onSuccess: function (responseText) 
                    var result = JSON.parse(responseText);
                    var currentObject = result.response;
                    var currentFolderItemCount = currentObject.totalCount;
                    for(var i = 0; i < parseInt(currentFolderItemCount); i++) //at this point, totalCount == #objects at this lvl
                        var currentObject = result.response.items[i];
                        if(currentObject.size != undefined)
                            filesize += currentObject.size;
                            filesize2 = filesize;
                        if(currentObject.numchildren > 0 && currentObject.numchildren != undefined)
                            totalItemCount += parseInt(currentObject.numchildren);
                            totalItemCount2 = totalItemCount;
                            getChildrenItemCount(totalItemCount2, currentObject, filesize2);
                        //var filesize = currentObject.size;
        getItemsRecursively(totalItemCount, filesize);

我无法与我当前的代表发表评论,因此很抱歉 SO 社区发布作为答案。






var totalItemCount;
new ApiClient({
apimethod: 'objects/95750c6b-84f5-4587-8b86-b559551f7660/children/view',
method: 'get',
queryparams: {
    maxcount: 8000,
    startindex: 0,
    includefuturepublished: true
onSuccess: function (responseText) {
    var result = JSON.parse(responseText);
    totalItemCount = parseInt(result.response.totalCount);
function getItemsRecursively() {
    for(var i = 0; i < parseInt(totalItemCount); i++) {
        var currentObject = result.response.items[i];
        if(currentObject.size != undefined) {
            filesize += currentObject.size;
            if(currentObject.numchildren > 0 && currentObject.numchildren != undefined) {

function getChildrenItemCount(previousObject) {
    var childID = previousObject.id;
    new ApiClient
        apimethod: 'objects/' + childID + '/children/view',
        method: 'get',
        queryparams: {
            maxcount: 8000,
            startindex: 0,
            includefuturepublished: true
        onSuccess: function (responseText) 
            var result = JSON.parse(responseText);
            var currentFolderItemCount = result.response.totalCount;
            for(var i = 0; i < parseInt(currentFolderItemCount); i++) 
                var currentObject = result.response.items[i];
                if(currentObject.numchildren > 0 && currentObject.numchildren != undefined)
                    totalItemCount += parseInt(currentObject.numchildren);
