



MATCH (n:Dmoz)
return split(n.cat_labels_in,'/') as data limit 10



我不想返回数据,我想在上面使用Undind,以便我可以将"标签"写入db as(:tags {name:" tag"}(,并以以下方式添加关系

(:Domain{name:"somedomain.com"})-[LINKS_TO]->((:Tags{name:"Tag"})) #first tag
(:Tags{name:"Tag"})-[LINKS_TO]->((:Tags{name:"Tag"})) #first tag to second tag and so on



// start with the sample data
WITH {domain:"sdcastroverde.com",cat_labels_in:"Top/World/Galego/regional/Galicia/Lugo/municipalities/Castroverde"} as node
// split the labels into tags
WITH node, split(node.cat_labels_in,'/') as tags 
// unwind the tags and make the chain of tags
UNWIND range(0, size(tags)-2) as i
  MERGE (a:Tags {name: tags[i] })
  MERGE (b:Tags {name: tags[i+1] })
  MERGE (a)-[:LINKS_TO]->(b)
// prepend the tag chain with the starting domain 
WITH node, tags
MATCH (a:Tags {name: tags[0]})
MERGE (:Domain{name:"somedomain.com"})-[:LINKS_TO]->(a)
// append the tag chain with the next domain
WITH node, tags
MATCH (a:Tags {name: tags[size(tags)-1]} )
MERGE (a)-[:LINKS_TO]->(:Domain {name:"anotherdomain.com"} )


//Start with some test data
WITH {domain:"sdcastroverde.com",cat_labels_in:"Top/World/Galego|Test/regional/Galicia|Test/Lugo/municipalities/Castroverde"} as node
// split up the list on forward slash
UNWIND split(node.cat_labels_in,'/') as tags
    // for each item in the first collection attempt to split on |
    UNWIND split(tags,'|') as tag
// recombine the split nodes into a single collection
WITH node, collect(tag) as tags
// then carry on as before in the above solution
UNWIND range(0, size(tags)-2) as i
    MERGE (a:Tags {name: tags[i] })
    MERGE (b:Tags {name: tags[i+1] })
    MERGE (a)-[:LINKS_TO]->(b)
WITH node, tags
MATCH (a:Tags {name: tags[0]})
MERGE (:Domain{name:"somedomain.com"})-[:LINKS_TO]->(a)
WITH node, tags
MATCH (a:Tags {name: tags[size(tags)-1]} )
MERGE (a)-[:LINKS_TO]->(:Domain {name:"anotherdomain.com"} )
