

Private Sub Set_Font_Of_All_TextFrames(oShp As Shape, font As String)
' Go through all shapes on all slides. This is a recurisve function. First call needs to pass "Nothing" to oShp.
' Any font in every textframe that is not "font" will be set to "font".
' The recursion is necessary in order to go through groups.
' BUG/TODO: Text in Master is not included so far!
Dim sld As Slide
Dim shp As Shape
Dim i As Integer
If oShp Is Nothing Then ' first subroutine call
For Each sld In ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each shp In sld.Shapes
If shp.Type = msoGroup Then
Set_Font_Of_All_TextFrames shp, font ' recursive call in case of group
Set_Font shp, font ' else change font
End If
Next shp
Next sld
' in case of recursive calls:
ElseIf oShp.Type = msoGroup Then
For i = 1 To oShp.GroupItems.Count()
Set shp = oShp.GroupItems.Item(i)
Set_Font_Of_All_TextFrames shp, font ' another recursive call in case of group; will repeat this branch in case of subgroup
Set shp = oShp
Set_Font shp, font   ' else change font
End If
End Sub

'Set_Font(shp 作为形状,字体作为字符串("子例程只是为了避免冗余。它只是检查给定shp是否具有除font以外的任何其他字体的文本并对其进行更改。在某个地方,Set_Font_Of_All_TextFrames Nothing "X"被称为。它按预期工作,但会出现以下问题:

1( 如何使此功能可用于更改字体以外的其他操作?我真的必须复制粘贴所有这些吗?


3( 为什么主控形状被排除在我的函数之外?

多亏了评论,我发现这或多或少是要走的路。我在这里发布我的"ulitity 函数",以生成所有形状(包括任意嵌套子组中的所有形状(的集合,这些形状可以在任何其他函数或子例程中使用和迭代。


Function Get_All_Shapes(oShp As Shape, oColl As Collection)
' Go through all shapes on all slides. This is a recursive function. First call needs to pass "Nothing" to oShp and oColl.
' The collection oColl will be populated with all shapes (including all shapes in all groups) in the presentation.
' The return parameter will be the gradually populated collection.
' The recursion is necessary in order to go through groups.
Dim sld As Slide
Dim shp As Shape
Dim i As Integer
If oShp Is Nothing And oColl Is Nothing Then ' first function call
Set oColl = New Collection
For Each sld In ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each shp In sld.Shapes
If shp.Type = msoGroup Then
Set oColl = Get_All_Shapes(shp, oColl)  ' recursive call in case of group
oColl.Add shp ' else add shape to collection
End If
Next shp
Next sld
' in case of recursive calls:
ElseIf oShp.Type = msoGroup Then
For i = 1 To oShp.GroupItems.Count()
Set shp = oShp.GroupItems.Item(i)
Set oColl = Get_All_Shapes(shp, oColl) ' another recursive call in case of group; will repeat this branch in case of subgroup
oColl.Add oShp ' else add shape to collection
End If
Set Get_All_Shapes = oColl ' set populated collection as function return parameter
End Function


Function Get_All_Shapes_WIP(oShp As Shape, oColl As Collection, Optional onlySelected As Boolean = False, Optional includeMaster As Boolean = False)
' Go through all shapes on all slides. This is a recursive function. First call needs to pass "Nothing" to oShp and oColl.
' The collection oColl will be populated with all shapes (including all shapes in all groups) in the presentation.
' The return parameter will be the gradually populated collection.
' The recursion is necessary in order to go through groups.
' If onlySelected is True, only the selected shapes will be added to the collection.
' If includeMaster is True, shapes on the master slide and all custom layouts will be added to the collection. This behavior is not affected by the value of onlySelected.
Dim sld As Slide
Dim shp As Shape
Dim i As Integer
' first function call (main loops)
If oShp Is Nothing And oColl Is Nothing Then
Set oColl = New Collection
' presentation loops
If onlySelected = False Then ' all shapes on all slides
For Each sld In ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each shp In sld.Shapes
If shp.Type = msoGroup Then
Set oColl = Get_All_Shapes_WIP(shp, oColl, onlySelected, includeMaster) ' recursive call in case of group
oColl.Add shp ' else add shape to collection
End If
Next shp
Next sld
Else ' onlySelected = True
For Each shp In ActiveWindow.selection.ShapeRange
If shp.Type = msoGroup Then
Set oColl = Get_All_Shapes_WIP(shp, oColl, onlySelected, includeMaster) ' recursive call in case of group
oColl.Add shp ' else add shape to collection
End If
Next shp
End If
' master loops
If includeMaster = True Then ' add also slide master shapes to the collection
' master shapes
For Each shp In ActivePresentation.SlideMaster.Shapes
If shp.Type = msoGroup Then
Set oColl = Get_All_Shapes_WIP(shp, oColl, onlySelected, includeMaster) ' recursive call in case of group
oColl.Add shp ' else add shape to collection
End If
Next shp
' custom layouts shapes
For i = 1 To ActivePresentation.SlideMaster.CustomLayouts.Count()
For Each shp In ActivePresentation.SlideMaster.CustomLayouts.Item(i).Shapes
If shp.Type = msoGroup Then
Set oColl = Get_All_Shapes_WIP(shp, oColl, onlySelected, includeMaster) ' recursive call in case of group
oColl.Add shp ' else add shape to collection
End If
Next shp
End If
' recursive calls:
ElseIf oShp.Type = msoGroup Then
For i = 1 To oShp.GroupItems.Count()
Set shp = oShp.GroupItems.Item(i)
Set oColl = Get_All_Shapes_WIP(shp, oColl, onlySelected, includeMaster) ' another recursive call in case of group; will repeat this branch in case of subgroup
oColl.Add oShp ' else add shape to collection
End If
Set Get_All_Shapes_WIP = oColl ' set (partially) populated collection as function return parameter in every call
End Function


Sub Set_All_Fonts_To_Calibri()
' Sets the font of all text in all shapes in the presentation to "Calibri".
Dim coll As Collection: Set coll = Get_All_Shapes_WIP(Nothing, Nothing, onlySelected:=False, includeMaster:=True)
Dim shp As Shape
For Each shp In coll
Set_Font shp, "Calibri"
Next shp
End Sub
