Google App Engine (GAE) 錯誤: chown: 無法存取 '/app/public': 沒有這樣的文件或目錄

首先从"gcloud deployment"中获取此错误。项目是拉拉维尔应用程序。我已将所有日志和文件中的生产信息替换为一些虚拟信息。

我用同样的问题红了一些旧帖子,但没有回应。 ¿有人有同样的问题吗?我已经使用新的 laravel 5.7 安装进行了测试,并遇到了相同的错误。我删除了整个项目并创建了一个新的 GAE 项目。不知道还能尝试什么。我也用Symfony 4框架项目和同样的问题进行了测试。

//file: app.yaml
service: api-dev
runtime: php
env: flex
document_root: public
front_controller_file: index.php
skip_lockdown_document_root: true #<= this does the trick!!??
#enable_stackdriver_integration: true
# Ensure we skip ".env", which is only for local development
- .env
- .git
# Put production environment variables here.
APP_LOG: errorlog
APP_ENV: local
## Set these environment variables according to your CloudSQL configuration.
DB_HOST: localhost
DB_USERNAME: api_user
DB_PASSWORD: api_pwd
# for Cloud SQL, set this value to the Cloud SQL connection name,
# e.g. "project:region:cloudsql-instance"
cloud_sql_instances: "YOUR_INSTANCE_NAME"


"name": "laravel/laravel",
"description": "The Laravel Framework.",
"keywords": [
"license": "MIT",
"type": "project",
"require": {
"php": ">=5.5.9",
"laravel/framework": "5.2.*",
"tymon/jwt-auth": "0.5.*",
"phpoffice/phpexcel": "1.8.x-dev",
"maatwebsite/excel": "~2.1.0",
"barryvdh/laravel-dompdf": "0.6.*",
"vsmoraes/laravel-pdf": "^1.0",
"laravelcollective/html": "~5.0",
"barryvdh/laravel-snappy": "^0.3.3",
"inacho/php-credit-card-validator": "1.*",
"laravel/envoy": "^1.4"
"require-dev": {
"fzaninotto/faker": "~1.4",
"mockery/mockery": "0.9.*",
"phpunit/phpunit": "~4.0",
"symfony/css-selector": "2.8.*|3.0.*",
"symfony/dom-crawler": "2.8.*|3.0.*"
"autoload": {
"classmap": [
"psr-4": {
"App\": "app/"
"autoload-dev": {
"classmap": [
"scripts": {
"post-root-package-install": [
"php -r "copy('.env.example', '.env');""
"post-create-project-cmd": [
"php artisan key:generate"
"post-install-cmd": [
"chmod -R 755 bootstrap\/cache",
"php artisan cache:clear"
"pre-update-cmd": [
"php artisan clear-compiled"
"post-update-cmd": [
"php artisan optimize"
"config": {
"preferred-install": "dist",
"sort-packages": true,
"optimize-autoloader": true
"minimum-stability": "dev",
"prefer-stable": true

以下是部署命令的完整输出: 'gCloud App Deployment deploy/dev.yaml --verbosity=debug'

DEBUG: No bucket specified, retrieving default bucket.
DEBUG: Using bucket [gs://].
DEBUG: Service [] is already enabled for project [ibizi-dev]
Beginning deployment of service [default]...
INFO: Need Dockerfile to be generated for runtime php
Building and pushing image for service [default]
INFO: Uploading [/var/folders/yh/t3v72_f96_9gshbgykw2yp6w0000gn/T/tmpk_BvPn/src.tgz] to []
DEBUG: Using runtime builder root [gs://runtime-builders/]
DEBUG: Loading runtimes manifest from [gs://runtime-builders/runtimes.yaml]
INFO: Reading [< object at 0x110774650>]
DEBUG: Resolved runtime [php] as build configuration [gs://runtime-builders/php-default-builder-20180926113101.yaml]
INFO: Using runtime builder [gs://runtime-builders/php-default-builder-20180926113101.yaml]
INFO: Reading [< object at 0x11078d150>]
Started cloud build [c874e7e6-d67b-443b-9cc0-169aa6f4dd58].
DEBUG: GCS logfile url is
To see logs in the Cloud Console:
DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ibizi-dev/Yzg3NGU3ZTYtZDY3Yi00NDNiLTljYzAtMTY5YWE2ZjRkZDU4] not complete. Waiting 1s.
DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 404 (no log yet; keep polling)
DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ibizi-dev/Yzg3NGU3ZTYtZDY3Yi00NDNiLTljYzAtMTY5YWE2ZjRkZDU4] not complete. Waiting 1s.
DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 205 bytes)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REMOTE BUILD OUTPUT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
starting build "c874e7e6-d67b-443b-9cc0-169aa6f4dd58"
Fetching storage object: gs://
DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ibizi-dev/Yzg3NGU3ZTYtZDY3Yi00NDNiLTljYzAtMTY5YWE2ZjRkZDU4] not complete. Waiting 1s.
DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ibizi-dev/Yzg3NGU3ZTYtZDY3Yi00NDNiLTljYzAtMTY5YWE2ZjRkZDU4] not complete. Waiting 1s.
DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 529 bytes)
Copying gs://
- [1 files][  798.0 B/  798.0 B]                                                
Operation completed over 1 objects/798.0 B.                                      
Starting Step #0
Step #0: Pulling image:
DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ibizi-dev/Yzg3NGU3ZTYtZDY3Yi00NDNiLTljYzAtMTY5YWE2ZjRkZDU4] not complete. Waiting 1s.
DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 1446 bytes)
Step #0: sha256:2528f753fe7726eb4068d7020d11ecc97216b3ab9e4cb7728edda98cd61b410c: Pulling from gcp-runtimes/php/gen-dockerfile
Step #0: Digest: sha256:2528f753fe7726eb4068d7020d11ecc97216b3ab9e4cb7728edda98cd61b410c
Step #0: Status: Downloaded newer image for
Step #0: + php /builder/create_dockerfile.php create --php72-image --php71-image --php70-image --php56-image
Step #0: 
Step #0: There is no PHP runtime version specified in composer.json, or
Step #0: we don't support the version you specified. Google App Engine
Step #0: uses the latest 7.2.x version.
Step #0: We recommend pinning your PHP version by running:
Step #0: 
Step #0: composer require php 7.2.* (replace it with your desired minor version)
Step #0: 
Step #0: Using PHP version 7.2.x...
Step #0: 
Finished Step #0
Starting Step #1
Step #1: Pulling image:
DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ibizi-dev/Yzg3NGU3ZTYtZDY3Yi00NDNiLTljYzAtMTY5YWE2ZjRkZDU4] not complete. Waiting 1s.
DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 354 bytes)
Step #1: sha256:ae2ac38e0aba542add006c47eb4a5820b819f9fa74ada0673d2910387e0f1c0e: Pulling from cloud-builders/docker
Step #1: e5c573070776: Already exists
Step #1: a7e8e7eaedca: Already exists
Step #1: 3c2cba919283: Already exists
Step #1: 2e2f0b8e1d16: Pulling fs layer
Step #1: 2e2f0b8e1d16: Verifying Checksum
Step #1: 2e2f0b8e1d16: Download complete
DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ibizi-dev/Yzg3NGU3ZTYtZDY3Yi00NDNiLTljYzAtMTY5YWE2ZjRkZDU4] not complete. Waiting 1s.
DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ibizi-dev/Yzg3NGU3ZTYtZDY3Yi00NDNiLTljYzAtMTY5YWE2ZjRkZDU4] not complete. Waiting 1s.
DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ibizi-dev/Yzg3NGU3ZTYtZDY3Yi00NDNiLTljYzAtMTY5YWE2ZjRkZDU4] not complete. Waiting 1s.
DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ibizi-dev/Yzg3NGU3ZTYtZDY3Yi00NDNiLTljYzAtMTY5YWE2ZjRkZDU4] not complete. Waiting 1s.
DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ibizi-dev/Yzg3NGU3ZTYtZDY3Yi00NDNiLTljYzAtMTY5YWE2ZjRkZDU4] not complete. Waiting 1s.
DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ibizi-dev/Yzg3NGU3ZTYtZDY3Yi00NDNiLTljYzAtMTY5YWE2ZjRkZDU4] not complete. Waiting 1s.
DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ibizi-dev/Yzg3NGU3ZTYtZDY3Yi00NDNiLTljYzAtMTY5YWE2ZjRkZDU4] not complete. Waiting 1s.
DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ibizi-dev/Yzg3NGU3ZTYtZDY3Yi00NDNiLTljYzAtMTY5YWE2ZjRkZDU4] not complete. Waiting 1s.
DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 1636 bytes)
Step #1: 2e2f0b8e1d16: Pull complete
Step #1: Digest: sha256:ae2ac38e0aba542add006c47eb4a5820b819f9fa74ada0673d2910387e0f1c0e
Step #1: Status: Downloaded newer image for
Step #1: Sending build context to Docker daemon  5.632kB
Step #1: Step 1/9 : FROM
Step #1: sha256:ab499cb6f2419351ee7db259ae88721f9861935659b42007727395b80226a809: Pulling from google-appengine/php72
Step #1: Digest: sha256:ab499cb6f2419351ee7db259ae88721f9861935659b42007727395b80226a809
Step #1: Status: Downloaded newer image for
Step #1:  ---> 66030c9a7cc4
Step #1: Step 2/9 : ENV DOCUMENT_ROOT='/app/public' ENABLE_STACKDRIVER_INTEGRATION='1' LOG_CHANNEL='stackdriver' APP_LOG='errorlog' APP_ENV='demo' APP_DEBUG='' APP_KEY='base64:+9Lz6fgTo+I5NtJgwNctYuFaaDBNdiL1OpNlhzdPiXs=' STORAGE_DIR='/tmp' DB_HOST='localhost' DB_DATABASE='pms_dev' DB_USERNAME='root' DB_PASSWORD='TMvsds666' DB_SOCKET='/cloudsql/ibizi-dev:europe-west1:pmsapi-dev' FRONT_CONTROLLER_FILE='index.php' COMPOSER_FLAGS='--no-dev --prefer-dist' DETECTED_PHP_VERSION='7.2' IS_BATCH_DAEMON_RUNNING='true'
Step #1:  ---> Running in 7594ef12b822
Step #1: Removing intermediate container 7594ef12b822
Step #1:  ---> 142b1c897658
Step #1: Step 3/9 : COPY . $APP_DIR
Step #1:  ---> f981d2d61e5d
Step #1: Step 4/9 : RUN chown -R www-data.www-data $APP_DIR
Step #1:  ---> Running in 2acb68030e93
DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ibizi-dev/Yzg3NGU3ZTYtZDY3Yi00NDNiLTljYzAtMTY5YWE2ZjRkZDU4] not complete. Waiting 1s.
DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 363 bytes)
Step #1: Removing intermediate container 2acb68030e93
Step #1:  ---> 4725933d3fe3
Step #1: Step 5/9 : RUN /build-scripts/
Step #1:  ---> Running in d754ce7f2927
Step #1: Removing intermediate container d754ce7f2927
Step #1:  ---> 3f19b1e63bed
Step #1: Step 6/9 : RUN /bin/bash /build-scripts/
Step #1:  ---> Running in 10b9531680b7
DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ibizi-dev/Yzg3NGU3ZTYtZDY3Yi00NDNiLTljYzAtMTY5YWE2ZjRkZDU4] not complete. Waiting 1s.
DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 206 (read 975 bytes)
Step #1: Moving user supplied config files...
Step #1: Removing intermediate container 10b9531680b7
Step #1:  ---> 45771fd2253a
Step #1: Step 7/9 : RUN /usr/sbin/nginx -t -c /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
Step #1:  ---> Running in 67614392383d
Step #1: nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
Step #1: nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful
Step #1: Removing intermediate container 67614392383d
Step #1:  ---> 6d3a14951445
Step #1: Step 8/9 : RUN /bin/bash /build-scripts/
Step #1:  ---> Running in 706cf97d0d6d
Step #1: chown: cannot access '/app/public': No such file or directory
Step #1: Locking down the document root...
Step #1: The command '/bin/sh -c /bin/bash /build-scripts/' returned a non-zero code: 1
Finished Step #1
ERROR: build step 1 "" failed: exit status 1
DEBUG: Operation [operations/build/ibizi-dev/Yzg3NGU3ZTYtZDY3Yi00NDNiLTljYzAtMTY5YWE2ZjRkZDU4] complete. Result: {
"metadata": {
"@type": "", 
"build": {
"finishTime": "2018-10-22T13:25:11.466503939Z", 
"status": "FAILURE", 
"timeout": "600s", 
"startTime": "2018-10-22T13:24:45.495313971Z", 
"artifacts": {
"images": [
"logsBucket": "", 
"results": {
"buildStepImages": [
"id": "c874e7e6-d67b-443b-9cc0-169aa6f4dd58", 
"timing": {
"endTime": "2018-10-22T13:24:51.044559960Z", 
"startTime": "2018-10-22T13:24:47.603211198Z"
"BUILD": {
"endTime": "2018-10-22T13:25:10.480688954Z", 
"startTime": "2018-10-22T13:24:51.120689972Z"
"source": {
"storageSource": {
"object": "", 
"bucket": ""
"options": {
"substitutionOption": "ALLOW_LOOSE", 
"logging": "LEGACY"
"steps": [
"status": "SUCCESS", 
"name": "", 
"args": [
"env": [
"timing": {
"endTime": "2018-10-22T13:24:53.076290422Z", 
"startTime": "2018-10-22T13:24:51.120719923Z"
"pullTiming": {
"endTime": "2018-10-22T13:24:51.939222557Z", 
"startTime": "2018-10-22T13:24:51.120719923Z"
"status": "FAILURE", 
"name": "", 
"args": [
"env": [
"timing": {
"endTime": "2018-10-22T13:25:10.374276995Z", 
"startTime": "2018-10-22T13:24:53.076303098Z"
"pullTiming": {
"endTime": "2018-10-22T13:25:06.452731685Z", 
"startTime": "2018-10-22T13:24:53.076303098Z"
"sourceProvenance": {
"resolvedStorageSource": {
"generation": "1540214682717948", 
"object": "", 
"bucket": ""
"fileHashes": {
"gs://": {}
"projectId": "ibizi-dev", 
"images": [
"substitutions": {
"createTime": "2018-10-22T13:24:44.661298334Z", 
"logUrl": ""
"done": true, 
"name": "operations/build/ibizi-dev/Yzg3NGU3ZTYtZDY3Yi00NDNiLTljYzAtMTY5YWE2ZjRkZDU4", 
"error": {
"message": "Build failed; check build logs for details", 
"code": 2
DEBUG: Reading GCS logfile: 416 (no new content; keep polling)
DEBUG: ( Cloud build failed. Check logs at Failure status: UNKNOWN: Error Response: [2] Build failed; check build logs for details
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/davidpv/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/calliope/", line 841, in Execute
resources = calliope_command.Run(cli=self, args=args)
File "/Users/davidpv/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/calliope/", line 770, in Run
resources = command_instance.Run(args)
File "/Users/davidpv/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/lib/surface/app/", line 90, in Run
File "/Users/davidpv/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/command_lib/app/", line 620, in RunDeploy
File "/Users/davidpv/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/command_lib/app/", line 405, in Deploy
image, code_bucket_ref, gcr_domain, flex_image_build_option)
File "/Users/davidpv/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/command_lib/app/", line 282, in _PossiblyBuildAndPush
File "/Users/davidpv/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/api_lib/app/", line 449, in BuildAndPushDockerImage
return _SubmitBuild(build, image, project, parallel_build)
File "/Users/davidpv/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/api_lib/app/", line 482, in _SubmitBuild
build, project=project)
File "/Users/davidpv/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/api_lib/cloudbuild/", line 150, in ExecuteCloudBuild
File "/Users/davidpv/Downloads/google-cloud-sdk/lib/googlecloudsdk/api_lib/cloudbuild/", line 195, in WaitAndStreamLogs
+ message)
BuildFailedError: Cloud build failed. Check logs at Failure status: UNKNOWN: Error Response: [2] Build failed; check build logs for details
ERROR: ( Cloud build failed. Check logs at Failure status: UNKNOWN: Error Response: [2] Build failed; check build logs for details



我使用提到的"skip_lockdown_document_root"选项能够启动VM,ssh进入它并了解问题。(我有错误 500(

