ios swift ResearchKit condition for skip with NSPredicate


let textChoices2 = [
ORKTextChoice(text: "Answer 1", value: 0),
ORKTextChoice(text: "Answer 2", value: 1),
ORKTextChoice(text: "Answer 3", value: 2),
ORKTextChoice(text: "Answer 4", value: 3)
let questAnswerFormat2: ORKTextChoiceAnswerFormat = ORKAnswerFormat.choiceAnswerFormatWithStyle(.SingleChoice, textChoices: textChoices2)
let questQuestionStep2 = ORKQuestionStep(identifier: "TextChoiceQuestionStep2", title: questQuestionStepTitle, answer: questAnswerFormat2)
//////////////////////////// Here I need help
let task: ORKNavigableOrderedTask = ORKNavigableOrderedTask(identifier: "xyz123", steps: steps)
//the identifier for ORKNavigableOrderedTask is a random number in my case, is it ok like this?
let resultSelector: ORKResultSelector = ORKResultSelector(stepIdentifier: "TextChoiceQuestionStep", resultIdentifier: "ImageChoiceQuestionStep”)
//stepIdentifier is the question based on which I decide if I want to skip the current question. Is it ok like this?
//resultIdentifier is the question to which I want to jump to. Is it ok like this?
let predicate: NSPredicate = ORKResultPredicate.predicateForChoiceQuestionResultWithResultSelector(resultSelector, expectedAnswerValue: "0”)
//expectedAnswerValue is the value of the answer for which I want to skip the current question. Is it ok like this?
let predicateRule: ORKPredicateStepNavigationRule = ORKPredicateStepNavigationRule(resultPredicatesAndDestinationStepIdentifiers:[ (predicate, "ImageChoiceQuestionStep") ])
//“ImageChoiceQuestionStep” from the row above is the question to which I want to jump to. Is it ok like this?
task.setNavigationRule(predicateRule, forTriggerStepIdentifier: "ImageChoiceQuestionStep”)
//“ImageChoiceQuestionStep” from the row above is the question to which I want to jump to. Is it ok like this?
questQuestionStep2.task = task

resultSelector (docs) 的功能是标识您希望谓词匹配的确切结果。resultSelector必须有一个resultIdentifier,在有问题的步骤中,它既是问题步骤的标识符,也是其中的问题结果(它不是您要跳转到的步骤的标识符!




设置完所有内容并运行任务后,当您离开导航规则附加到的步骤时,将触发导航规则,并且导航规则中包含的 destinationIdentifier 指向您有条件跳转到的步骤。

有关如何在 swift 上实现条件跳转的完整示例,请参阅 TaskFactory.swift 文件(该文件在 ORKTest 示例项目中实现了可导航有序任务项)。





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