typedef struct node *list;
typedef struct node {
int value;
list whateverNextIsCalled;
} node;
// Reverse list
list reverse (list inputList){
list outputList = NULL;
while (inputList != NULL) {
nodePtr points to the first element in the inputList
node *nodePtr = inputList;
Make the head pointer of inputList point to the next element
inputList = inputList->whateverNextIsCalled;
???? help point 1
nodePtr->whateverNextIsCalled = outputList;
???? help point 2
outputList = nodePtr;
return outputList;
// Add one list to the end of another
void combine (list list1, list list2){
Point to the first value of list1
node *current = list1;
Find the last node of list1
while(current->whateverNextIsCalled != NULL) {
current = current->whateverNextIsCalled;
//connect the last node of toList and the first node of fromList
current->whateverNextIsCalled = &list2;
list1 = current;