
我在java 7上有一个java servlet应用程序,它在系统资源消耗方面通常非常健康。通常,服务器上的CPU使用率低于50%。然而,在启动后的几分钟内,它的表现大不相同,以至于如果CPU试图在这段时间内提供大量流量,它可能会在几分钟内保持100%。其结果是响应时间慢、网络超时,有时甚至会出现长时间的垃圾收集暂停。

为了诊断这个问题,我在服务器启动时进行了一系列线程转储,同时运行top-H。通过将每个java线程与pid匹配,我可以一致地看到C2 CompilerThread使用了迄今为止最多的CPU。我已经研究过这个线程的作用,我知道它是一个基于运行时统计信息优化代码的Java编译器。但从我所做的所有阅读来看,我无法说出改善情况的最佳方法。我能收集到的唯一选项是:

  1. 从C2切换到TieredCompiler(但这会在启动后的最初几分钟内带来更好的性能吗?)
  2. 打开-XX:+PrintCompilation查看正在优化的内容(但我该如何处理这些信息?我可以在服务器以某种方式接受流量之前强制进行优化吗?)







     * Retransform the supplied set of classes.
     * <P>
     * This function facilitates the instrumentation
     * of already loaded classes.
     * When classes are initially loaded or when they are
     * {@linkplain #redefineClasses redefined},
     * the initial class file bytes can be transformed with the
     * {@link java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer ClassFileTransformer}.
     * This function reruns the transformation process
     * (whether or not a transformation has previously occurred).
     * This retransformation follows these steps:
     *  <ul>
     *    <li>starting from the initial class file bytes
     *    </li>
     *    <li>for each transformer that was added with <code>canRetransform</code>
     *      false, the bytes returned by
     *      {@link java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer#transform transform}
     *      during the last class load or redefine are
     *      reused as the output of the transformation; note that this is
     *      equivalent to reapplying the previous transformation, unaltered;
     *      except that
     *      {@link java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer#transform transform}
     *      is not called
     *    </li>
     *    <li>for each transformer that was added with <code>canRetransform</code>
     *      true, the
     *      {@link java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer#transform transform}
     *      method is called in these transformers
     *    </li>
     *    <li>the transformed class file bytes are installed as the new
     *      definition of the class
     *    </li>
     *  </ul>
     * <P>
     * The order of transformation is described in the
     * {@link java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer#transform transform} method.
     * This same order is used in the automatic reapplication of retransformation
     * incapable transforms.
     * <P>
     * The initial class file bytes represent the bytes passed to
     * {@link java.lang.ClassLoader#defineClass ClassLoader.defineClass} or
     * {@link #redefineClasses redefineClasses}
     * (before any transformations
     *  were applied), however they might not exactly match them.
     *  The constant pool might not have the same layout or contents.
     *  The constant pool may have more or fewer entries.
     *  Constant pool entries may be in a different order; however,
     *  constant pool indices in the bytecodes of methods will correspond.
     *  Some attributes may not be present.
     *  Where order is not meaningful, for example the order of methods,
     *  order might not be preserved.
     * <P>
     * This method operates on
     * a set in order to allow interdependent changes to more than one class at the same time
     * (a retransformation of class A can require a retransformation of class B).
     * <P>
     * If a retransformed method has active stack frames, those active frames continue to
     * run the bytecodes of the original method.
     * The retransformed method will be used on new invokes.
     * <P>
     * This method does not cause any initialization except that which would occur
     * under the customary JVM semantics. In other words, redefining a class
     * does not cause its initializers to be run. The values of static variables
     * will remain as they were prior to the call.
     * <P>
     * Instances of the retransformed class are not affected.
     * <P>
     * The retransformation may change method bodies, the constant pool and attributes.
     * The retransformation must not add, remove or rename fields or methods, change the
     * signatures of methods, or change inheritance.  These restrictions maybe be
     * lifted in future versions.  The class file bytes are not checked, verified and installed
     * until after the transformations have been applied, if the resultant bytes are in
     * error this method will throw an exception.
     * <P>
     * If this method throws an exception, no classes have been retransformed.
     * <P>
     * This method is intended for use in instrumentation, as described in the
     * {@linkplain Instrumentation class specification}.
     * @param classes array of classes to retransform;
     *                a zero-length array is allowed, in this case, this method does nothing
     * @throws java.lang.instrument.UnmodifiableClassException if a specified class cannot be modified
     * ({@link #isModifiableClass} would return <code>false</code>)
     * @throws java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException if the current configuration of the JVM does not allow
     * retransformation ({@link #isRetransformClassesSupported} is false) or the retransformation attempted
     * to make unsupported changes
     * @throws java.lang.ClassFormatError if the data did not contain a valid class
     * @throws java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError if the name in the class file is not equal to the name of the class
     * @throws java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError if the class file version numbers are not supported
     * @throws java.lang.ClassCircularityError if the new classes contain a circularity
     * @throws java.lang.LinkageError if a linkage error occurs
     * @throws java.lang.NullPointerException if the supplied classes  array or any of its components
     *                                        is <code>null</code>.
     * @see #isRetransformClassesSupported
     * @see #addTransformer
     * @see java.lang.instrument.ClassFileTransformer
     * @since 1.6
    retransformClasses(Class<?>... classes) throws UnmodifiableClassException;
