


System.out.print("Input number of products to represent: ");
prodNum = scan.nextInt();
String[] prodName = new String[prodNum];
System.out.print("Enter which products to represent: ");
for (int i = 0; i < prodName.length; i++)
prodName[i] = scan.next();
System.out.println("1. Cantidad");
System.out.println("2. Calidad");
System.out.println("3. RealmQ");
System.out.println("4. Coste");
option = scan.nextInt();                



private XYDataset multipleLine(int prodNum, String[] prodName, int option){
XYSeriesCollection dataset = new XYSeriesCollection();
XYSeries product3 = new XYSeries("product3");
XYSeries product4 = new XYSeries("product4");
XYSeries product5 = new XYSeries("product5");
XYSeries product6 = new XYSeries("product6");
XYSeries product7 = new XYSeries("product7");
XYSeries product8 = new XYSeries("product8");
if (option == 1)
XYSeries product1 = new XYSeries(prodName[0]);
XYSeries product2 = new XYSeries(prodName[1]);
for (int i = 0; i < CSVinput.cantidad.length; i++)
if (CSVinput.nombre[i].equals(prodName[0]))
product1.add(i, CSVinput.cantidad[i]);
}catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e){}
if (option == 2)
if (option == 3)
if (option == 4)
return dataset;



  • 我希望能够从我之前展示的简单菜单中创建不同的情节。
  • 如果可能,动态(如果我输入 2 个产品,程序将显示 2 行引用每个产品)


  • 我是JFreeCharts的新人。

  • 花点时间在product1.add(i, CSVinput.cantidad[i]);这里,我使用(int)"i"而不是我的(字符串)"date"格式。为什么我无法使用字符串?有什么办法可以绕过这个吗?




2018/12/29-Tejido,321 908,13.55,43.18,$15.98,
2018/12/29-Ropa,195 045,20.55,45.93,$123.01,
2018/12/29-Gorra de visera,126 561,17.43,42.32,$79.54,
2018/12/29-Cerveza,80 109,3.37,17.93,$12.38,
2018/12/29-Mercancías de playa,75 065,11.48,39.73,$105.93,
2018/12/29-Bebidas alcohólicas,31 215,4.84,27.90,$32.29,
2018/12/29-Artículos de cuero,19 098,23.13,44.09,$198.74,
2018/12/29-Bolsas y carteras,7 754,23.09,41.34,$1 176.54,
2018/12/30-Tejido,252 229,12.86,43.14,$18.87,
2018/12/30-Ropa,132 392,18.09,46.02,$177.58,
2018/12/30-Gorra de visera,87 676,14.42,42.46,$122.48,
2018/12/30-Cerveza,44 593,2.72,17.79,$18.71,
2018/12/30-Mercancías de playa,44 593,8.26,39.56,$200.78,
2018/12/30-Bebidas alcohólicas,27 306,4.30,23.88,$31.95,
2018/12/30-Artículos de cuero,16 147,21.08,43.91,$207.49,
2018/12/30-Bolsas y carteras,6 552,21.11,40.59,$1 195.41,
2019/01/02-Tejido,321 908,13.55,43.18,$15.98,
2019/01/02-Ropa,195 045,20.55,45.93,$123.01,
2019/01/02-Gorra de visera,126 561,17.43,42.32,$79.54,
2019/01/02-Cerveza,80 109,3.37,17.93,$12.38,
2019/01/02-Mercancías de playa,75 065,11.48,39.73,$105.93,
2019/01/02-Bebidas alcohólicas,31 215,4.84,27.90,$32.29,
2019/01/02-Artículos de cuero,19 098,23.13,44.09,$198.74,
2019/01/02-Bolsas y carteras,7 754,23.09,41.34,$1 176.54,
2019/01/03-Tejido,1 164 607,12.87,43.14,$15.54,
2019/01/03-Ropa,131 409,17.18,45.97,$161.17,
2019/01/03-Gorra de visera,79 242,13.54,43.17,$100.38,
2019/01/03-Cerveza,48 332,2.80,18.10,$17.48,
2019/01/03-Mercancías de playa,46 157,8.70,38.39,$180.54,
2019/01/03-Bebidas alcohólicas,25 210,4.04,23.72,$33.52,
2019/01/03-Artículos de cuero,14 321,19.56,39.92,$216.00,
2019/01/03-Bolsas y carteras,5 814,19.85,39.68,$1 227.29,




import java.awt.Color;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Scanner;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory;
import org.jfree.chart.ChartPanel;
import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot;
import org.jfree.data.general.SeriesException;
import org.jfree.data.time.Day;
import org.jfree.data.time.Second;
import org.jfree.data.time.TimeSeries;
import org.jfree.data.time.TimeSeriesCollection;
import org.jfree.data.xy.XYDataset;
import org.jfree.data.xy.XYSeries;
import org.jfree.data.xy.XYSeriesCollection;
import org.jfree.ui.ApplicationFrame;
import org.jfree.ui.RefineryUtilities;
import webscrapper.CSVinput;
* @author Jonathan
public class TimeSeriesChartExample extends ApplicationFrame{
//To parse dates below and be able to debug outside the loop
public static String[] dateSplit;
//Instace that declares properties and uses the dataset to create the chart
public TimeSeriesChartExample(String title) 
// Create dataset
XYDataset dataset = createDataset();
// Create chart
JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart(
"Titulo", // Chart
"Date", // X-Axis Label
"Number", // Y-Axis Label
//Changes background color
XYPlot plot = (XYPlot)chart.getPlot();
plot.setBackgroundPaint(new Color(255,228,196));  
//Create the set of data to be plotted
private XYDataset createDataset() 
//A collection of datasets
TimeSeriesCollection dataset = new TimeSeriesCollection();
//The object were this new series are added thus it's name
TimeSeries prod1 = new TimeSeries("Cantidad");
//"For each" name stored in the array
for (int i = 0; i < CSVinput.nombre.length; i++)
//If name equals 
if ("Ropa".equals(CSVinput.nombre[i]))
//Pass the "i" position to work it
dateSplit = CSVinput.fecha[i].split("/");
//Parse the date
int day = Integer.parseInt(dateSplit[2]);
int month = Integer.parseInt(dateSplit[1]);
int year = Integer.parseInt(dateSplit[0]);
System.out.println("day is: " + day);
//Pass the parsed date and the value from CSV.cantidad at "i" position referring to the name "Ropa"
prod1.add(new Day(day, month, year), CSVinput.cantidad[i]);
System.out.println(CSVinput.cantidad[i]);//Debug stuff
//Add everything to the dataset
//Return it
return dataset;
private XYDataset createDataset2()
//A collection of datasets
TimeSeriesCollection dataset = new TimeSeriesCollection();
//The object were this new series are added thus it's name
TimeSeries prod2 = new TimeSeries("Cantidad");
//"For each" name stored in the array
for (int i = 0; i < CSVinput.nombre.length; i++)
//If name equals 
if (CSVinput.nombre[i] == "Tejido")
//Pass the "i" position to work it
dateSplit = CSVinput.fecha[i].split("/");
//Parse the date
int day = Integer.parseInt(dateSplit[0]);
int month = Integer.parseInt(dateSplit[1]);
int year = Integer.parseInt(dateSplit[2]);
//Pass the parsed date and the value from CSV.cantidad at "i" position referring to the name "Ropa"
prod2.add(new Day(day, month, year), CSVinput.cantidad[i]);
System.out.println(CSVinput.cantidad[i]);//Debug stuff
//Add everything to the dataset
//Return it
return dataset;
public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException
//Custom class to import data from the csv into arrays (TODO: make it dynamic)
/* //More debugg stuff
dateSplit = CSVinput.fecha[1].split("/");
System.out.println("year: " + dateSplit[0] + " month: " + dateSplit[1] + " day: " + dateSplit[2]);
//Create an instance of the previous class 
final TimeSeriesChartExample example = new TimeSeriesChartExample("ItWorks!");
example.pack(); //Part from the ApplicationFrame
RefineryUtilities.centerFrameOnScreen(example); //Render the graph at the center of screen
example.setVisible(true);  //make it visible


  • 如果您的系列包含时域,请考虑使用TimeSeries而不是XYSeriesTimeSeriesCollection; 这里引用的TimeSeriesChartDemo1是一个基本的例子;解析日期,如下所示和此处;对于数据库访问,请考虑JDBCXYDataset

  • 读取每个序列的数据时,将序列存储在List<TimeSeries>中,而不是数组中;如果延迟是一个问题,请在后台进行分析,如下所示。

确切的细节将取决于应用程序的设计,但使用观察者模式将最小化复杂性;基本原则是更新模型(Dataset),侦听视图(JFreeChart)将自行更新以响应。例如,使用 Swing,您可以通过多种方式控制显示的图表:

  • 使用你的List<TimeSeries>来构建一个合适的ListModel<TimeSeries>;对于系列菜单,使你选择的模型成为JComboBoxDefaultComboBoxModel<TimeSeries>JListDefaultListModel<TimeSeries>

  • 向菜单组件添加合适的侦听器;为XYPlotTimeSeriesCollection;选择序列时,使用addSeries()removeSeries()更改绘图;或者,使用setSeriesVisible()切换可见性,如下所示。


  • 使用List<TimeSeries>构建您的TimeSeriesCollection

  • 使用TimeSeriesCollection方法控制侦听XYPlot显示的内容。


  • 没有找到相关文章
