与目标无关的栅格化(TIR)是DirectX 11.1中的一个新的硬件特性,微软用它来改进Windows 8中的Direct2D。AMD声称,TIR将2D矢量图形的性能提高了约500%。有一些"口水战"。因为开普勒gpu显然不支持TIR(以及其他DirectX 11.1功能)。TIR的想法似乎起源于微软,因为他们有一项专利申请。
TIR使Direct2D在镶嵌上花费更少的CPU周期,因此它可以更快更有效地向GPU提供绘图指令,而不会牺牲视觉质量。TIR在支持DirectX 11.1的Windows 8新GPU硬件中可用。
下面的图表显示了在支持TIR的DirectX 11.1 GPU上从各种SVG文件中渲染抗锯齿几何图形的性能改进:
我们与图形硬件合作伙伴(AMD)密切合作来设计TIR。由于这种伙伴关系,取得了巨大的进步。DirectX 11.1硬件今天已经上市,我们正在与我们的合作伙伴合作,确保更多具有tir功能的产品将被广泛使用。
(6) How do EXT_raster_multisample and NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples
interact? Why are there two extensions?
RESOLVED: The functionality in EXT_raster_multisample is equivalent to
"Target-Independent Rasterization" in Direct3D 11.1, and is expected to be
supportable today by other hardware vendors. It allows using multiple
raster samples with a single color sample, as long as depth and stencil
tests are disabled, with the number of raster samples controlled by a
piece of state.
NV_framebuffer_mixed_samples is an extension/enhancement of this feature
with a few key improvements:
- Multiple color samples are allowed, with the requirement that the number
of raster samples must be a multiple of the number of color samples.
- Depth and stencil buffers and tests are supported, with the requirement
that the number of raster/depth/stencil samples must all be equal for
any of the three that are in use.
- The addition of the coverage modulation feature, which allows the
multisample coverage information to accomplish blended antialiasing.
Using mixed samples does not require enabling RASTER_MULTISAMPLE_EXT; the
number of raster samples can be inferred from the depth/stencil
attachments. But if it is enabled, RASTER_SAMPLES_EXT must equal the
number of depth/stencil samples.