如何在仅使用单个输入终结点的 Android 中将数据写入 USB HID 设备

我有一个 USB HID 设备,我想与之通信。我在Windows上使用HidSharp库(链接:https://github.com/treehopper-electronics/HIDSharp(成功地做到了这一点。我的 Windows 应用程序是使用 .NET Framework 4.5、C# 和 Visual Studio 开发的。

我现在想从Android平板电脑而不是Windows桌面与相同的USB HID设备进行通信。我这样做遇到了一些问题。当我将设备插入平板电脑时,它会报告具有单个"读取"端点的单个接口。以下是向我报告的内容:

Interface #0 
Class: Human Interaction Device (0x3)
Endpoint: #0
Address        : 0x81 (10000001)
Number         : 1
Direction      : Inbound (0x80)
Type           : Intrrupt (0x3)
Poll Interval  : 1
Max Packet Size: 64
Attributes     : 000000011


HidSharp将所有内容抽象为一个可以读取和写入的"流"对象。使用 Android API,没有一个单一的"流"对象,而是似乎有 3 种不同的读取/写入方式:批量传输、控制传输和 USB 请求。我尝试使用所有 3 个发送数据,但似乎没有成功。


我正在使用Xamarin作为我的开发环境(C#,Visual Studio 2017(。由于代码总是有帮助的,以下是我连接到设备的方式:

int VendorID = 0x04d8;
int ProductID = 0x2742;
UsbManager USB_Manager = null;
UsbDevice USB_Device = null;
UsbDeviceConnection DeviceConnection = null;
UsbInterface DeviceInterface = null;
UsbEndpoint OutputEndpoint = null;
UsbEndpoint InputEndpoint = null;
//Grab the Android USB manager and get a list of connected devices
var USB_Manager = MyMainActivity.ApplicationContext.GetSystemService(Android.Content.Context.UsbService) as Android.Hardware.Usb.UsbManager;
var attached_devices = USB_Manager.DeviceList;
//Find the device in the list of connected devices
foreach (var d in attached_devices.Keys)
if (attached_devices[d].VendorId == VendorID && attached_devices[d].ProductId == ProductID)
USB_Device = attached_devices[d];
//Assuming we found the correct device, let's set everything up
if (USB_Device != null)
for (int j = 0; j < USB_Device.InterfaceCount; j++)
DeviceInterface = USB_Device.GetInterface(j);
for (int i = 0; i < DeviceInterface.EndpointCount; i++)
var temp_ep = DeviceInterface.GetEndpoint(i);
if (temp_ep.Type == Android.Hardware.Usb.UsbAddressing.XferInterrupt)
if (temp_ep.Direction == Android.Hardware.Usb.UsbAddressing.In)
InputEndpoint = temp_ep;
if (temp_ep.Direction == Android.Hardware.Usb.UsbAddressing.Out)
OutputEndpoint = temp_ep;
//Request permission to communicate with this USB device
UsbReceiver receiver = new UsbReceiver();
PendingIntent pending_intent = PendingIntent.GetBroadcast(Game.Activity, 0, new Android.Content.Intent(UsbReceiver.ACTION_USB_PERMISSION), 0);
IntentFilter intent_filter = new IntentFilter(UsbReceiver.ACTION_USB_PERMISSION);
Game.Activity.RegisterReceiver(receiver, intent_filter);
USB_Manager.RequestPermission(USB_Device, pending_intent);
bool has_permission = USB_Manager.HasPermission(USB_Device);
var device_connection = USB_Manager.OpenDevice(USB_Device);
device_connection.ClaimInterface(DeviceInterface, true);
DeviceConnection = device_connection;


//3 methods of attempting to read from the device
//Method 1:
byte[] inpt = new byte[64];
var request = new UsbRequest();
request.Initialize(DeviceConnection, InputEndpoint);
var byte_buffer = ByteBuffer.Allocate(64);
request.Queue(byte_buffer, 64);
for(int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
inpt[i] = (byte) byte_buffer.Get();
//Method 2:
byte[] inpt = new byte[64];
DeviceConnection.BulkTransfer(InputEndpoint, inpt, inpt.Length, 1000);
//Method 3:
byte[] inpt = new byte[64];
DeviceConnection.ControlTransfer(UsbAddressing.In, 0, 0, 0, inpt, 64, 1000);


//Method 1:
byte[] output_msg; //This variable is assigned elsewhere in the code
DeviceConnection.BulkTransfer(OutputEndpoint, output_msg, output_msg.Length, 30);
//Method 2:
byte[] output_msg; //This variable is assigned elsewhere in the code
DeviceConnection.ControlTransfer(UsbAddressing.Out, 0, 0, 0, output_msg, output_msg.Length, 1000);
//Method 3:
byte[] output_msg; //This variable is assigned elsewhere in the code
var write_request = new UsbRequest();
write_request.Initialize(DeviceConnection, OutputEndpoint);
var byte_buffer_write = ByteBuffer.Wrap(output_msg);
request.Queue(byte_buffer_write, output_msg.Length);



您正在处理 HID 设备,这意味着您应该进行中断传输。



如果端点是入站的,则使用 UsbRequest 提交 Urb,并像之前尝试的那样排队,但使用具有预期缓冲区长度的空缓冲区。

RequestWait 将在完成后返回 UsbRequest 对象。

如果 usbRequest.getEndPoint((.getDirection(( 是入站的,那么您的缓冲区变量将使用来自设备的读取缓冲区进行更新。 如果 usbRequest.getEndpoint((.getDirection(( 是出站的,那么您应该传递缓冲区以将数据写入设备
