
  • 本文关键字:方法 石纸剪 java methods
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  package rockpaperscissor;
 //imports necessary classes for program
 import java.util.Random; 
 import java.util.Scanner;
 public class RockPaperScissor
 * @param args 
//main method that runs a loop for how many times the user wants to play
public static void main(String[] args) 
    char letter; // choice of playing again
    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); // creating an instance of the scanner class
    String computerHand; // string variable for computer choice
    String userHand; // string variable for user choice
     do // do while loop to determine how many times these messages will be displayed
        computerHand = computerHand();
        userHand = userHand();
        String winner = winner(userHand,computerHand);
        System.out.println("You chose " + userHand + ".");
        System.out.println("The computer was " + computerHand + ".");

        System.out.println("Would you like to play again");
        String answer = keyboard.nextLine();
        letter = answer.charAt(0);
    //Condition for the do-while loop
    while (letter != 'N' && letter != 'n'); //condition for while loop
 * @return 
public static String userHand() //method for users choice in the game, does not have parameters
    //prints message to user giving them choices
    System.out.println("Lets play rock paper scissors. Pick: n 1. rock n 2. paper n 3. scissors.");
    int userChoice; // user choice variable in this method
    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); // creates instance of scanner class
    userChoice = keyboard.nextInt(); //reads user input
    return masterChoice(userChoice); //returns user choice to master choice
 * @return 
public static String computerHand() //method for computer randomly generated choice
    Random randomNum = new Random();
    int computerGenerator = randomNum.nextInt(3) +1;
    return masterChoice(computerGenerator);
 * @param num
 * @return 
public static  String masterChoice(int num) //method recieving both computer hand and user hand
    //if statment to math numeric choice with string output
    String choice = null;
  if (num == 1){
      choice = "rock";
  else if(num == 2){
      choice = "paper";
  else if(num == 3){
      choice = "scissors";
    return choice;
 * @param computerChoice
 * @param userChoice
 * @return 
public static String winner(String computerChoice, String userChoice) //method to determine winner
        computerChoice = computerHand(); //places computerChoice variable in computerhand
        userChoice = userHand(); //does same for user choice
        String winner=null;
        //multiple if statements determining winner
        if (userChoice.equalsIgnoreCase("rock") && computerChoice.equalsIgnoreCase("scissors")){
            winner = "Rock beats scissors, you win!";
        else if (userChoice.equalsIgnoreCase("rock") && computerChoice.equalsIgnoreCase("paper")){
            winner = "Rock loses to paper, you lose";
        else if (userChoice.equalsIgnoreCase("rock") && computerChoice.equalsIgnoreCase("rock")){
            winner = "Its a tie";
        else if (userChoice.equalsIgnoreCase("paper") && computerChoice.equalsIgnoreCase("scissors")){
            winner = "Paper loses to scissors, you lose";
        else if (userChoice.equalsIgnoreCase("paper") && computerChoice.equalsIgnoreCase("rock")){
            winner = "Paper beats rock, you win!";       
        else if (userChoice.equalsIgnoreCase("paper") && computerChoice.equalsIgnoreCase("paper")){
            winner = "Its a tie";
        else if (userChoice.equalsIgnoreCase("scissors") && computerChoice.equalsIgnoreCase("scissors")){
            winner ="Its a tie";
        else if (userChoice.equalsIgnoreCase("scissors") && computerChoice.equalsIgnoreCase("paper")){
            winner = "Scissors beats paper, you win!";
        else if (userChoice.equalsIgnoreCase("scissors") && computerChoice.equalsIgnoreCase("rock")){
            winner = "Scissors loses to rock";
        return winner; //returns winner to main



public static String winner(String computerChoice, String userChoice) //method to determine winner
    // computerChoice = computerHand(); //places computerChoice variable in computerhand
    // userChoice = userHand(); //does same for user choice
    String winner=null;



String winner = winner(computerHand, userHand);

当您使用keypad.nextInt()选择用户输入时,它只返回行上的下一个整数。当代码继续并到达String answer=keypad.nextLine()时,它会获得行的其余部分(基本上是空的,然后是行的末尾字符),并继续到While条件。答案不是"N",也不是"N",因此循环再次运行。

