如何修复预期的标识符错误 C 语言

当我编译代码时,我遇到了两个"预期标识符"错误 - 即使它是根据ANSI-C标准编写的。我使用 gcc 编译器编译,带有标志 -Wall -ansi -pedantic。我知道编译器很旧,但我的大学要求我使用它。


mycomp.c:202:5: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘return’
     return SUCCESS;
mycomp.c:203:1: error: expected identifier or ‘(’ before ‘}’ token
makefile:10: recipe for target 'mycomp.o' failed


代码又长又乱,但我只在最后或它得到一个错误:最后一个返回和最后一个 } 位数字。

int main() {  
    char command[SIZE_OF_LINE];
    int commandIndex; int i;
    int numbers[2]; char var[2];
    /* As requested, initializing all complex values to 0 + 0i */
    read_comp(A, NONE, 0 ,0);
    read_comp(B, NONE, 0 ,0);
    read_comp(C, NONE, 0 ,0);
    read_comp(D, NONE, 0 ,0);
    read_comp(E, NONE, 0 ,0);
    read_comp(F, NONE, 0 ,0);
    commandIndex = 0;
    numbers[0] = commandIndex;
    numbers[1] = commandIndex;
    var[0] = '0';
    var[1] = '0';
    for(i = 0; ; i = 0)
        if(!fgets(command, SIZE_OF_LINE, stdin)) {
            i = undefinedCharSkipper(command, i);
            commandIndex = commandIdentifier(command, i);
            if(cmd[commandIndex].func == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "Command does not exist:%sn", command);
            if(strcmp(cmd[commandIndex].name, "read_comp") == 0) {
                /* Recieving parameters and setting in place */
                i = undefinedCharSkipper(command, i);
                if(letterReceiver(i) != FAIL) {
                    var[0] = letterReceiver(i);
                i = undefinedCharSkipper(command, i);
                if(numberReceiver(command, i) != FAIL) {
                    numbers[0] = numberReceiver(command, i);
                i = undefinedCharSkipper(command, i);
                if(numberReceiver(command, i) != FAIL) {
                    numbers[1] = numberReceiver(command, i);
                /* Running command */
                read_comp(getComplex(var[0]), NONE, numbers[0], numbers[1]);
                end(command, i);
            if(strcmp(cmd[commandIndex].name, "print_comp") == 0 ) {
                /* Recieving parameters and setting in place */
                i = undefinedCharSkipper(command, i);
                if(letterReceiver(i) != FAIL) {
                    var[0] = letterReceiver(i);
                /* Running command */
                print_comp(getComplex(var[0]), NONE, 0, 0);
                end(command, i);
            if(strcmp(cmd[commandIndex].name, "add_comp") == 0 ) {
                /* Recieving parameters and setting in place */
                i = undefinedCharSkipper(command, i);
                if(letterReceiver(i) != FAIL) {
                    var[0] = letterReceiver(i);
                i = undefinedCharSkipper(command, i);
                if(letterReceiver(i) != FAIL) {
                    var[1] = letterReceiver(i);
                /* Running command */
                add_comp(getComplex(var[0]), getComplex(var[1]), 0, 0);
                end(command, i);
            if(strcmp(cmd[commandIndex].name, "sub_comp") == 0) {
                /* Recieving parameters and setting in place */
                i = undefinedCharSkipper(command, i);
                if(letterReceiver(i) != FAIL) {
                    var[0] = letterReceiver(i);
                i = undefinedCharSkipper(command, i);
                if(letterReceiver(i) != FAIL) {
                    var[1] = letterReceiver(i);
                /* Running command */
                sub_comp(getComplex(var[0]), getComplex(var[1]), 0, 0);
                end(command, i);
            if(strcmp(cmd[commandIndex].name, "mult_comp_real") == 0) {
                /* Recieving parameters and setting in place */
                i = undefinedCharSkipper(command, i);
                if(letterReceiver(i) != FAIL) {
                    var[0] = letterReceiver(i);
                i = undefinedCharSkipper(command, i);
                if(numberReceiver(command, i) != FAIL) {
                    numbers[0] = numberReceiver(command, i);
                /* Running command */
                mult_comp_real(getComplex(var[0]), NONE, numbers[0], 0);
                end(command, i);
            if(strcmp(cmd[commandIndex].name, "mult_comp_img") == 0) {
                /* Recieving parameters and setting in place */
                i = undefinedCharSkipper(command, i);
                if(letterReceiver(i) != FAIL) {
                    var[0] = letterReceiver(i);
                i = undefinedCharSkipper(command, i);
                if(numberReceiver(command, i) != FAIL) {
                    numbers[0] = numberReceiver(command, i);
                /* Running command */
                mult_comp_img(getComplex(var[0]), NONE, 0, numbers[0]);
                end(command, i);
            if(strcmp(cmd[commandIndex].name, "mult_comp_comp") == 0) {
                /* Recieving parameters and setting in place */
                i = undefinedCharSkipper(command, i);
                if(letterReceiver(i) != FAIL) {
                    var[0] = letterReceiver(i);
                i = undefinedCharSkipper(command, i);
                if(letterReceiver(i) != FAIL) {
                    var[1] = letterReceiver(i);
                /* Running command */
                mult_comp_comp(getComplex(var[0]), getComplex(var[1]), 0, 0);
                end(command, i);
            if(strcmp(cmd[commandIndex].name, "abs_comp") == 0) {
                /* Recieving parameters and setting in place */
                i = undefinedCharSkipper(command, i);
                if(letterReceiver(i) != FAIL) {
                    var[0] = letterReceiver(i);
                /* Running command */
                abs_comp(getComplex(var[0]), NONE, 0, 0);
                end(command, i);
            if(strcmp(cmd[commandIndex].name, "stop") == 0) {
                stop(NONE, NONE, 0, 0);
                end(command, i);
        else { /* Failed scanning the user's input */
            printf("Scanning had failed");
    return SUCCESS;

预期结果:编译没有错误,因为这是我唯一得到的 2 个错误。实际结果:出现 2 个错误。



    }                     //----------------------- (1)
    return SUCCESS;        // -----------------------(2)

您有一个大括号不匹配,(1)表示main()功能的右大括号,因此标记为(2)的部分; 您的return SUCCESS; }驻留在文件范围内,这是不允许的。

