是否有任何内置方法可以将 JavaScript 对象的属性更改为某个值?



// Example object
Settings = function() {
    this.A = false;
    this.B = false;
    this.C = false;
    // more settings...
// Example A - currently working
updateSettingsExampleA = function(settings) {
    // Settings' properties may not be be false when called
    settings.A = false;
    settings.B = false;
    settings.C = false;
    while (!(settings.A && settings.B && settings.C) && endingCondition) {
        // code for altering settings
// Example B - currently working
updateSettingsExampleB = function(settings) {
    // Settings' properties may not be be false when called
    for (var property in settings) {
        settings[property] = false;
    while (!(settings.A && settings.B && settings.C) && endingCondition) {
        // code for altering settings
// possible other built in method
updateSettingsGoal = function() {
    this.* = false; // <-- statement to change all values to false
    while (!(this.A && this.B && this.C) && endingCondition) {
        // code for altering settings

