使用线程在 Swing (Java) 中实现 MVC 范式


(我的目标是将 M、V 和 C 中的每一个实现为一个单独的线程)


public class View implements Observer
/*************************************** View *************************************
    **  This function is the constructor of the View class.
    **      PRE: <nothing>
    **      POST: the GUI is created and the directory is displayed on the screen.
    **      RETURN: <N/A>
    View(String name)
        threadName = name;
        //frame in constructor and not an attribute as doesn't need to be visible to whole class
        JFrame frame = new JFrame("simple MVC");
        addElements(frame); // this is implemented separately
        // frame.addWindowListener(new CloseListener());    
        frame.setSize(900, 732);
        // frame.setLocation(100,100);
        /** Display the window **/
    }// View


 public class Model extends java.util.Observable
        /****************** variable DECLARATIONS *********************/
    // The hash table in which the directory is stored
    private Hashtable<String, Integer> tel_dir 
                    = new Hashtable<String, Integer>();
    // The path of the telephone directory during runtime
    private URL filePath
            = Model.class.getClassLoader().getResource("directory.txt");
    // the name of the thread
    private String  threadName;
                        /****** private Thread  t; ******/
    // the object in which the message is sent to the view
    private Message message = new Message();
    /** GETTERS and SETTERS **/

    /*************************************** Model *************************************
    **  This function is the constructor of the model class.
    **      PRE: <nothing>
    **      POST: the telephone directory is input from the file and stored in a hash
    **            table.
    **      RETURN: <N/A>
    Model(String name)
        int    phone_num;
        String customer_name;
        Scanner scanner = null;
        threadName      = name;
        /** Opening the handle to the file containing the telephone directory **/
            scanner = new Scanner(new File(filePath.getPath()));
        catch (FileNotFoundException e1)
        /** Inputting from the file and storing it in the hash table **/
        while (scanner.hasNextInt())
            phone_num     = scanner.nextInt();
            customer_name = scanner.nextLine();
            customer_name = customer_name.trim();
            tel_dir.put(customer_name, phone_num);
    }// Model

我的目标是将 M、V 和 C 中的每一个实现为一个单独的线程。

这可能不是一个有用的划分。Swing 视图必须仅在事件调度线程上构造和操作,并且用户希望 Swing 控件保持响应,如此处所述。

相反,请在SwingWorker后台运行任何耗时的模型,并在process()的实现中更新侦听视图。在此示例中,视图组件直接更新,但您也可以为注册的侦听器触发自定义事件,如此处建议。在此示例中,chart通过SeriesChangeEvent侦听其数据模型 series ;它响应工作人员在 process() 中的更新。您可以通过 PropertyChangeEvent 显示进度,如此处或此处的建议。
