
>我正在尝试创建一个脚本来记录我的当前时间和完成时间 执行特定操作,他们发送了一封具有相同时间变量的电子邮件,并使用此时间变量创建日历事件:

set FinsihDate to (current date) + 10 * hours + 30 * minutes
set startingDate to (current date)

set plistR to {FinsihDate:FinsihDate, starteddate:current date}
tell application "System Events"
set plistf to make new property list file ¬
with properties {name:"~/Desktop/MY_Time.plist"}
set plistf's value to plistR
end tell

## Email
property lastWindowID : missing value
tell application "Mail"
set windowIDs to id of windows
if windowIDs does not contain lastWindowID then
set newMessage to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:"Started early", content:"Hi ..., n nI started early today : " & (current date) & ", I will leave at " & FinsihDate & "n nKind Regards,nKevin " & return & return}
tell newMessage
set visible to true
make new to recipient at end of to recipients with properties {name:"Name", address:"@apple.com"}
end tell
set lastWindowID to id of window 1
tell window id lastWindowID
set visible to false
set visible to true
end tell
end if
end tell

set startDate to date (current date)
set endDate to date FinsihDate
tell application "Calendar"
tell (first calendar whose name is "calendar")
make new event at end of events with properties {summary:"Work", start date:startDate, end date:endDate, description:"ITS Fraud Prevention", location:"Apple"}
end tell
end tell
  1. 时间格式

    电子邮件上的时间格式是" 星期一 4 六月 2018 在 14:25:57",当我只想要 14:25


set myTime to (time string of (current date)) + 10 * hours + 30 * minutes

结果:错误"无法将 \"14:27:02\" 转换为类型编号。编号 -1700 从"14:27:02"到数字

  1. >日历


错误"无法获取日期(日期 \"2018 年 6 月 4 日星期一 14:29:34\"(。 编号 -1728 从日期开始(日期"2018 年 6 月 4 日星期一 14:29:34"(

感谢您逐项列出您遇到并希望修复的各个错误。 这让我更容易阅读这个问题并决定它是我想回答的问题,因为我实际上根本不需要测试您的脚本,因为我可以立即看到问题所在:

(1(括号在错误的地方。 更改此设置:

set myTime to (time string of (current date)) + 10 * hours + 30 * minutes


set myTime to time string of ((current date) + 10 * hours + 30 * minutes)

(2( 该错误表示您尝试获取类型date的变量,然后再次将其声明为类型date。 AppleScript不喜欢这样。


set startDate to date (current date)
set endDate to date FinsihDate


set startDate to (current date)
set endDate to FinsihDate


附言你拼错了你的变量名FinsihDate(我认为这是FinishDate(。 但是,它在整个脚本中始终拼写错误,因此没有任何实际区别。
