

Sub MacroCryptage()
Dim ws1 As Worksheet
Set ws1 = Worksheets("Feuil1")
Dim rng As Range, cell As Range
Set rng = ws1.Range("G" & 6)
Set cell = ws1.Range("G" & 5)
    rng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cell, "A", "N")
    rng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cell, "B", "O")
    rng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cell, "C", "P")
    rng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cell, "D", "Q")
    rng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cell, "E", "R")
    rng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cell, "F", "S")
    rng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cell, "G", "T")
    rng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cell, "H", "U")
    rng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cell, "I", "V")
    rng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cell, "J", "W")
    rng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cell, "K", "X")
    rng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cell, "L", "Y")
    rng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cell, "M", "Z")
    rng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cell, "N", "A")
    rng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cell, "O", "B")
    rng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cell, "P", "C")
    rng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cell, "Q", "D")
    rng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cell, "R", "E")
    rng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cell, "S", "F")
    rng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cell, "T", "G")
    rng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cell, "U", "H")
    rng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cell, "V", "I")
    rng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cell, "W", "J")
    rng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cell, "X", "K")
    rng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cell, "Y", "L")
    rng = WorksheetFunction.Substitute(cell, "Z", "M")
End Sub



您正在查看的是Rot13。实现此目的的最简单方法是使用字符的ASCII值。在VBA中,您可以使用ASC()函数返回CHAR的ASCII值,然后添加13,然后使用Chr()函数将该值重新转换为字符。此版本仅适用于上案例文本 - 字符65至90。下部案例运行97至122,因此,如果您想要

Public Function Cypher(origtext as string) as string
dim s as string
dim answer as string
dim x as integer
dim myvar as integer
for x = 1 to len(origtext)
     s = mid(origtext,x,1)
     myvar = asc(s)+13
     if myvar > 90 then myvar = 65 + (myvar-91) ' 91 maps to 65, etc. Could instead just use myvar = myvar - 26
     s = chr(myvar)
     answer = answer & s
next x
Cypher = answer
End Function

要使用此信息,在电子表格inter = cypher(cypher ref)中,其中celt ref包含您想要的文本
