


这就是这种情况 -

case "1.5":
    System.out.println("nNow, before we start you need to choose a class. Each one will offer diffrent benefits.");

这是方法 -

public static void classes() { //Class Method
    counter = 0;
    for (int a = 1; a <= Class.length; a++) { //Run the class array
        System.out.println("[" + counter + "]- " + Class[counter]); //displays the class array

    do {
        System.out.println("What would you like to be."); //ask for input
        user = in .nextLine();
        if (user.equals("0")) { //if input is this then ...
            System.out.println("nYour health will be increased by 1 permanently." +
                "Are you sure you want to be a Farmer?");
            user = in .nextLine();
        if (user.equals("1")) { //if input is this then...
            System.out.println("nYou will have a dagger." +
                "Are you sure you want to be a Wanderer?");
            user = in .nextLine();
        if (user.equals("2")) { 
            System.out.println("nYou will have 1 health potion. Drink it to regain 3 HP." +
                "Are you sure you want to be a Trader?");
            user = in .nextLine();
        if (user.equals("3")) {
            System.out.println("You are just a normal human. You get nothing." +
                "Are you sure you want to be nothing?");
            user = in .nextLine();
    } while(user.equalsIgnoreCase("no")); //runs while user types no


"我希望该方法运行一次,输出是用户 想要它。"


"我希望该方法运行一次,输出是用户 希望他或她输入

如果用户输入 no 对于 class((方法中的选择,则要求用户选择另一个类,直到他或她对选择满意。我相信这不是吗?

我认为您的问题是,当用户确实进行类选择时,它将停留在 class((方法中。我认为您真正想做的是返回选择并在之后使用选择最初称为 class((方法为了进一步加入游戏。

为了做到这一点,您需要 class((方法才能返回某物,最好是选择的类。由于不同类(等级(包含在字符串数组中:

static String[] Class = {"Farmer", "Wanderer", "Trader", "Nothing"};

您需要从 class((方法返回的所有需要是所选类的实际索引值。当然,您可以让另一个类成员变量保留用户选择。...也许是一个名为: USERCLASS 的变量。但是,在我们介入之前,我想提出至少两个建议:

不要命名变量 class 。您可以做到这一点,但对我来说(我敢肯定很多其他(这是令人困惑的,这并不是一个好主意,因为 class 本身是Java关键字。作为建议,也许将其更改为以下内容:等级

给出您的变量和方法名称的含义,以便可以轻松理解变量可能存在的内容或该方法会喜欢什么: getRank((

// Class Member Variables
static Scanner keyBoardInput = new Scanner(System.in);
static String userInput;
static String userClass = ""; 
static String[] RANKS = {"Farmer", "Wanderer", "Trader", "Nothing"};
static String LS = System.lineSeparator();
public static void main(String args[]) {
    System.out.println("nNow, before we start you need to choose a class." + LS
                     + "Each Class will offer diffrent benefits.");
    int rank = getRank();
    userClass = RANKS[rank];
    System.out.println("Your chosen Class is:  " + userClass);
public static int getRank() {
    int maxRank = (RANKS.length - 1);
    // Displays the RANKS array
    for (int a = 0; a < RANKS.length; a++) { 
        System.out.println("[" + a + "]- " + RANKS[a]); 
    // Allow User to select a Rank
    int rank = -1;
    do {
        System.out.println("What would you like to be? (0 to " + maxRank + 
                           " or q to quit)"); //ask for input
        userInput = keyBoardInput.nextLine();
        // Quit game if desired.
        if (userInput.equalsIgnoreCase("q")) {
            System.out.println(LS + "Thanks for playing...Bye Bye.");
        // Make sure a valid numerical value was supplied!
        if (!userInput.matches("\d") || Integer.parseInt(userInput) < 0 || 
                               Integer.parseInt(userInput) > maxRank) {
            System.out.println("Invalid input! You can only supply a value "
                             + "from 0 to " + maxRank); 
            userInput = "no";
        rank = Integer.parseInt(userInput); // Store for for array index use and returning
        String message = "";
        // Farmer (0)
        switch (rank) {
            case 0:
                message = LS + "Your health will be increased by 1 permanently.";
            case 1:
                //if input is this then...
                message = LS + "You will have a dagger.";
            case 2:
                message = LS + "You will have 1 health potion. Drink it to regain 3 HP.";
            case 3:
                message = LS + "You are just a normal human. You get nothing.";
        System.out.println("Are you sure you want to be " + RANKS[rank] + "?");
        userInput = keyBoardInput.nextLine();
    } while (userInput.equalsIgnoreCase("no")); //loops while user types no
    return rank;  // Return the index value for the chosen Rank. 

注意变量名称和 getRank((方法名称?遵循代码并了解正在发生的事情要容易得多。不,我个人并不真正在乎静态变量和方法。静态确实有一个位置,但我更喜欢在比这更严格的情况下运行代码。


[0]- Farmer
[1]- Wanderer
[2]- Trader
[3]- Nothing  

您使用一个名为 counter 的变量并将其用于索引。这正是您的 for 循环的目的。您可以摆脱 counter 变量,并简单地利用 a 在 loop本身中声明的变量

请注意如何使用 switch/case 块。它如何减少代码。您还将注意到 getRank((方法返回用户选择的类的索引值。当从 main((中调用时,方法 getRank((方法返回类索引值,我们将选择的类放入成员变量 USERCERC >您现在可以在代码中的任何地方使用它。是的,您可以直接在 getRank((方法中设置 USERCLASS 变量。

