为什么会出现这个错误?TypeError: $popover.data(…)是未定义的


TypeError: $popover.data(…)is undefined.

$(function () {
    var overPopup = false;
        trigger: 'manual',
        placement: 'bottom'
    // replacing hover with mouseover and mouseout
    }).mouseover(function (e) {
        // when hovering over an element which has a popover, hide
        // them all except the current one being hovered upon
        $('[rel=popover]').not('#' + $(this).attr('id')).popover('hide');
        var $popover = $(this);
        // set a flag when you move from button to popover
        // dirty but only way I could think of to prevent
        // closing the popover when you are navigate across
        // the white space between the two
        $popover.data('popover').tip().mouseenter(function () {
            overPopup = true;
        }).mouseleave(function () {
            overPopup = false;
    }).mouseout(function (e) {
        // on mouse out of button, close the related popover
        // in 200 milliseconds if you're not hovering over the popover
        var $popover = $(this);
        setTimeout(function () {
            if (!overPopup) {
        }, 200);
<a href="#" id="example1" class="btn large primary" rel="popover" data-content="Example 1!!!" data-original-title="Example 1 title">Button 1</a>
<a href="#" id="example2" class="btn large primary" rel="popover" data-content="Example 2!!!" data-original-title="Example 2 title">Button 2</a>
<a href="#" id="example3" class="btn large primary" rel="popover" data-content="Example 3!!!" data-original-title="Example 3 title">Button 3</a>
