使用父子关系和缓存 sql 存储的缓存类编译错误

我在下面列出了全局,我正在尝试使用 sql stoarage 创建几个缓存类:


全局的前两个下标(Hmo 和 Keen)是一个唯一的条目。 第三个下标 (Seq) 有一个属性 (IppLineCount),它是第四个下标级别 (Seq2) 中的 IppLines 的数量。我在下面创建了类 WIppProv,它是父类:

/// <PRE> 
/// ============================ 
/// Generated Class Definition 
/// Table:          WMCA_B_IPP_PROV 
/// Generated by:   FXALTMAN 
/// Generated on:   05/21/2012 13:46:41 
/// Generator:      XWESTblClsGenV2 
/// ---------------------------- 
/// </PRE> 
Class XFXA.MCA.WIppProv Extends (%Persistent, %XML.Adaptor) [ ClassType = persistent, Inheritance = right, ProcedureBlock, StorageStrategy = SQLMapping ]
/// .HMO 
Property Hmo As %Integer;
/// .KEEN 
Property Keen As %Integer;
/// .SEQ 
Property Seq As %String;
Property IppLineCount As %Integer;
Index iMaster On (Hmo, Keen, Seq) [ IdKey, Unique ];
Relationship IppLines As XFXA.MCA.WIppProvLine [ Cardinality = many, Inverse = relWIppProv ];
<Storage name="SQLMapping"> 
<SQLMap name="DBMS"> 
<Data name="IppLineCount"> 
<Subscript name="1"> 
<Subscript name="2"> 
<Subscript name="3"> 

此类编译良好。 接下来,我创建了下面列出的 WIppProvLine 类,并在两者之间建立了父子关系:

/// Used to represent a single line of IPP data 
Class XFXA.MCA.WIppProvLine Extends (%Persistent, %XML.Adaptor) [ ClassType = persistent, Inheritance = right, ProcedureBlock, StorageStrategy = SQLMapping ]
/// .CLM_AMT_ALLOWED node: 0 piece: 6<BR> 
/// This field should be used in conjunction with the Claim Operator field to 
/// define a whole claim dollar amount at which a particular claim should be 
/// flagged with a Pend status. 
Property ClmAmtAllowed As %String;
/// .CLM_LINE_AMT_ALLOWED node: 0 piece: 8<BR> 
/// This field should be used in conjunction with the Clm Line Operator field to 
/// define a claim line dollar amount at which a particular claim should be flagged 
/// with a Pend status. 
Property ClmLineAmtAllowed As %String;
/// .CLM_LINE_OP node: 0 piece: 7<BR> 
/// A new Table/Column Reference that gives the SIU (Special Investigative Unit) 
/// the ability to look for claim line dollars above, below, or equal to a set 
/// amount. 
Property ClmLineOp As %String;
/// .CLM_OP node: 0 piece: 5<BR> 
/// A new Table/Column Reference that gives the SIU (Special Investigative Unit) 
/// the ability to look for claim dollars above, below, or equal to a set amount. 
Property ClmOp As %String;
Property EffDt As %Date;
Property Hmo As %Integer;
/// .IPP_REASON node: 0 piece: 10<BR> 
/// IPP Reason Code   
Property IppCode As %Integer;
Property Keen As %Integer;
/// .LAST_CHG_DT node: 0 piece: 4<BR> 
/// Last Changed Date 
Property LastChgDt As %Date;
/// .PX_DX_CDE_FLAG node: 0 piece: 9<BR> 
/// A Flag to indicate whether or not Procedure Codes or Diagnosis Codes are to be 
/// associated with this SIU Flag Type Entry. If the Flag = Y, then control would 
/// jump to a new screen where the user can enter the necessary codes. 
Property PxDxCdeFlag As %String;
Property Seq As %String;
Property Seq2 As %String;
Index iMaster On (Hmo, Keen, Seq, Seq2) [ IdKey, PrimaryKey, Unique ];
/// .TERM_DT node: 0 piece: 2<BR> 
/// Term Date 
Property TermDt As %Date;
/// .USER_INI node: 0 piece: 3 
Property UserIni As %String;
Relationship relWIppProv As XFXA.MCA.WIppProv [ Cardinality = one, Inverse = IppLines ];
Index relWIppProvIndex On relWIppProv;
//Index NewIndex1 On (RelWIppProv, Seq2) [ IdKey, PrimaryKey, Unique ];
<Storage name="SQLMapping"> 
<SQLMap name="DBMS"> 
<Data name="ClmAmtAllowed"> 
<Data name="ClmLineAmtAllowed"> 
<Data name="ClmLineOp"> 
<Data name="ClmOp"> 
<Data name="EffDt"> 
<Data name="Hmo"> 
<Data name="IppCode"> 
<Data name="LastChgDt"> 
<Data name="PxDxCdeFlag"> 
<Data name="TermDt"> 
<Data name="UserIni"> 
<Subscript name="1"> 
<Subscript name="2"> 
<Subscript name="3"> 
<Subscript name="4"> 


错误 #5502:编译 SQL 表"XFXA_MCA"时出错。维普罗夫线%msg: 表 XFXA_MCA。WIppProvLine 具有以下未映射(未在数据映射上定义)字段:relWIppProv'

错误 #5030:编译类 XFXA 时出错。马华。维普罗夫线 在 2.745s 的编译过程中检测到 1 个错误。




Index iMaster On (hmo, keen , seq, seq2) [ IdKey, PrimaryKey, Unique ];

不需要来自父级的属性。 子类中的附加项,您不会在类定义中声明来自父类的任何属性,因此在子类中不需要

属性 hmo 作为 %整数;属性 Keen 作为 %整数;

从 OO 的角度来看,您永远不会设置子项的 Hmo,而是设置父项的 Hmo,并且由于子项是相关的,因此它向下应用层次结构。
