C语言 字符处理和字符串操作


int main()
    char s1[1000];
    char s2 [1000];
 /*    void countchar (const char * const);  */
    void reverse(const char * const);
    char manipulate (char , const char);
    printf ("Enter sentence number 1:n");
gets (s1);
printf ("nEnter sentence number 2:n");
gets (s2);
printf ("nThe two sentences entered are:n1. %sn2. %snn", s1, s2);
/*    printf ("_______________________________________nn");
countchar (s1, s2);     */
printf ("_______________________________________nn"
        "The first sentence reversed is:n");
reverse (s1);
printf ("n________________________________________n");
manipulate (s1, s2);
return 0;
void reverse (const char * const s1Ptr)
    if (s1Ptr [0] == '')
    else /*{
           if (isupper (s1Ptr [0]))
                tolower (s1Ptr [0]);
                    else toupper (s1Ptr [0]);
    reverse (&s1Ptr[1]);
    putchar (toupper (s1Ptr [0]));

char manipulate(char s1, const char s2)
printf ("10 characters of first sentence + 10 characters of second sentence:n%s", strncat (s1, s2, 10));

程序将阅读两句话,然后计算字符数,反转第一句并将所有小写转换为大写,反之亦然,并将第二段中的 10 个字符附加到第一段。


带有/* 的部分是因为我不知道如何制作函数。我真的需要帮助,请指出我的错误并帮助我修复它们。谢谢。


void reverse (const char * const s1Ptr)  // don't define as const
    if (s1Ptr [0] == '')               // testing agaist 0 will do
    else /*{
        if (isupper (s1Ptr [0]))
            tolower (s1Ptr [0]);         // nothing done with the result
        else toupper (s1Ptr [0]);        // nothing done with the result
    reverse (&s1Ptr[1]);                 // recursion? A simple loop would do
    putchar (toupper (s1Ptr [0]));       // OP: "Function will only uppercase it"


void reverse (char * s1Ptr)              // don't define as const
    if (*s1Ptr == 0)                     // terminate recursion
    else {
        if (isupper (*s1Ptr))            // simpler way of writing s1Ptr[0]
             *s1Ptr = tolower (*s1Ptr);  // put result back in the string
        else *s1Ptr = toupper (*s1Ptr);  // because you manipulate it later
    putchar (*s1Ptr);                    // swapped last two lines round
    reverse (s1Ptr+1);                   // simpler way of pointing to next character

