添加集群:“创建集群时出错:对 /cluster-configs 的调用超时

(在datastax论坛上继续以相同的标题进行讨论)。我能够重现 opscenter 无法使用"使用现有集群"连接到 2.0.1 集群的问题,失败并显示消息"创建集群时出错:调用/cluster-configs 超时。它与cassandra.yaml中的"rpc_server_type:hsha"有关。


(1)在QEMU中安装了Ubuntu 12.04(x86-64架构)。已将其更新为所有软件包的最新版本。已为其配置静态 IP 地址 (。设置了 Qemu 网络,以便主机和 Qemu 虚拟机可以通信。

(2) 下载了 Sun jre-7u45-linux-x64.tar.gz 并安装了它。安装了 libjna-java。这一切都是根据 Debian/ubuntu 文档上的 datastax 安装完成的。

(3) 使用 Debian 软件包安装了 datastax cassandra 2.0.1,如 datastax 文档中所述。

(4) 对 cassandra.yaml 进行了以下更改:

  • 种子:""listen_address:注意:要查看故障,必须使用 hsha。

(5) 停止了 cassandra 实例(Debian 在安装时自动启动它)。请注意,init 脚本无法阻止 cassandra(这是 cassandra 2.0 的新问题),所以我不得不手动终止该过程。这是一个陷阱:你可能认为你重新启动了 cassandra 并且它已经考虑了你的配置更改,只是它没有,因为你仍在运行旧实例。

(6) 清除实例数据:sudo rm -fr/var/lib/cassandra/*

(7) 启动一个新的 cassandra 实例。已检查nodetool是否可以从虚拟机(即本地运行)和主机连接到它。

(8) 尝试从主机上运行的无操作中心(即不在虚拟机上运行)添加群集。 opscenter 版本 3.2.2,ubuntu 13.10。由于尚未添加任何集群,我收到了"欢迎来到Datastax opscenter"对话框,其中包含"创建新集群"或"使用现有集群"。选择"使用现有群集"。新增 qemu 虚拟机实例的 IP 地址 (。单击"保存群集"。此操作失败,并显示"创建群集时出错:对/cluster-configs 的调用超时"。


2013-10-28 11:59:04+0100 []  INFO: Log opened.
2013-10-28 11:59:04+0100 []  INFO: twistd 10.2.0 (/usr/bin/python2.7 2.7.5) starting up.
2013-10-28 11:59:04+0100 []  INFO: reactor class: twisted.internet.selectreactor.SelectReactor.
2013-10-28 11:59:04+0100 []  INFO: set uid/gid 0/0
2013-10-28 11:59:04+0100 []  INFO: Logging level set to 'info'
2013-10-28 11:59:04+0100 []  INFO: OpsCenter version: 3.2.2
2013-10-28 11:59:04+0100 []  INFO: Compatible agent version: 3.2.2
2013-10-28 11:59:04+0100 []  INFO: No clusters are configured yet, checking to see if a config migration is needed
2013-10-28 11:59:04+0100 []  INFO: Main config does not appear to include a cluster configuration, skipping migration
2013-10-28 11:59:04+0100 []  INFO: No clusters are configured
2013-10-28 11:59:04+0100 []  INFO: HTTP BASIC authentication disabled
2013-10-28 11:59:04+0100 []  INFO: Starting webserver with ssl disabled.
2013-10-28 11:59:04+0100 []  INFO: SSL agent communication enabled
2013-10-28 11:59:04+0100 []  INFO: opscenterd.WebServer.OpsCenterdWebServer starting on 8888
2013-10-28 11:59:04+0100 []  INFO: Starting factory <opscenterd.WebServer.OpsCenterdWebServer instance at 0x2f2a6c8>
2013-10-28 11:59:04+0100 []  INFO: morbid.morbid.StompFactory starting on 61619
2013-10-28 11:59:04+0100 []  INFO: Starting factory <morbid.morbid.StompFactory instance at 0x3062320>
2013-10-28 11:59:04+0100 []  INFO: Configuring agent communication with ssl support enabled.
2013-10-28 11:59:04+0100 []  INFO: morbid.morbid.StompFactory starting on 61620
2013-10-28 11:59:04+0100 []  INFO: OS Version: Linux version 3.11.0-12-generic (buildd@allspice) (gcc version 4.8.1 (Ubuntu/Linaro 4.8.1-10ubuntu7) ) #19-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 9 16:20:46 UTC 2013
2013-10-28 11:59:04+0100 []  INFO: CPU Info: ['2401.000', '1200.000', '1200.000', '2401.000', '1200.000', '1200.000', '1200.000', '2401.000']
2013-10-28 11:59:04+0100 []  INFO: Mem Info: 15979MB
2013-10-28 11:59:04+0100 []  INFO: Package Manager: Unknown
2013-10-28 12:03:02+0100 []  INFO: Starting factory <opscenterd.ThriftService.NoReconnectCassandraClientFactory instance at 0x31cd7e8>
2013-10-28 12:03:02+0100 []  INFO: Adding new cluster 'Test_Cluster': {u'jmx': {u'username': u'', u'password': u'', u'port': u'7199'}, 'kerberos_client_principals': {}, 'kerberos': {}, u'agents': {}, 'kerberos_hostnames': {}, 'kerberos_services': {}, u'cassandra': {u'username': u'', u'seed_hosts': u'', u'api_port': u'9160', u'password': u''}}
2013-10-28 12:03:02+0100 []  INFO: Starting new cluster services for Test_Cluster
2013-10-28 12:03:02+0100 [Test_Cluster]  INFO: Starting services for cluster Test_Cluster
2013-10-28 12:03:02+0100 []  INFO: Metric caching enabled with 50 points and 1000 metrics cached
2013-10-28 12:03:02+0100 []  INFO: Starting PushService
2013-10-28 12:03:02+0100 [Test_Cluster]  INFO: Starting CassandraCluster service
2013-10-28 12:03:02+0100 [Test_Cluster]  INFO: agent_config items: {'cassandra_log_location': '/var/log/cassandra/system.log', 'thrift_port': 9160, 'thrift_ssl_truststore': None, 'rollups300_ttl': 2419200, 'rollups86400_ttl': -1, 'jmx_port': 7199, 'metrics_ignored_solr_cores': '', 'api_port': '61621', 'metrics_enabled': 1, 'thrift_ssl_truststore_type': 'JKS', 'kerberos_use_ticket_cache': True, 'kerberos_renew_tgt': True, 'rollups60_ttl': 604800, 'cassandra_install_location': '', 'rollups7200_ttl': 31536000, 'kerberos_debug': False, 'storage_keyspace': 'OpsCenter', 'ec2_metadata_api_host': '', 'provisioning': 0, 'kerberos_use_keytab': True, 'metrics_ignored_column_families': '', 'thrift_ssl_truststore_password': None, 'metrics_ignored_keyspaces': 'system, system_traces, system_auth, dse_auth, OpsCenter'}
2013-10-28 12:03:02+0100 []  INFO: Stopping factory <opscenterd.ThriftService.NoReconnectCassandraClientFactory instance at 0x31cd7e8>



目前的解决方法是使用同步节俭服务器。如果在 OpsCenter 中实施了解决方法,我将更新我的响应。
