

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        byte[] bytes = {(byte) 0xC3,(byte) 0X74,(byte) 0X90,(byte) 0X00 };
        int[] ints = {(int) 0xC3,(int) 0X74,(int) 0X90,(int) 0X00 };
        // This give the wrong answer
        float f = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN).getFloat();
        System.out.println("VAL ByteBuffer BI: " + f);
        // This give the wrong answer
        f = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN).getFloat();
        System.out.println("VAL ByteBuffer LI: " + f);
        //This gives the RIGHT answer
        f = float4int (ints[0], ints[1], ints[2], ints[3]);
        System.out.println("VAL Integer : " + f);
        // This gives the wrong answer
        f = float4byte (bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[2], bytes[3]);
        System.out.println("VAL Bytes : " + f);
    private static float float4int(int a, int b, int c, int d)
        int sgn, mant, exp;
        System.out.println ("IN Int: "+String.format("%02X ", a)+
                String.format("%02X ", b)+String.format("%02X ", c)+String.format("%02X ", d));
        mant = b << 16 | c << 8 | d;
        if (mant == 0) return 0.0f;
        sgn = -(((a & 128) >> 6) - 1);
        exp = (a & 127) - 64;
        return (float) (sgn * Math.pow(16.0, exp - 6) * mant);
    private static float float4byte(byte a, byte b, byte c, byte d)
        int sgn, mant, exp;
        System.out.println ("IN Byte : "+String.format("%02X ", a)+
                String.format("%02X ", b)+String.format("%02X ", c)+String.format("%02X ", d));
        mant = b << 16 | c << 8 | d;
        if (mant == 0) return 0.0f;
        sgn = -(((a & 128) >> 6) - 1);
        exp = (a & 127) - 64;
        return (float) (sgn * Math.pow(16.0, exp - 6) * mant);




这使得CCD_ 1

byte s是用Java签名的。在计算尾数mant时,字节从bytes隐式转换为ints,符号为"extended",即(byte)0x90(十进制-112)得到转换后的0xFFFFFF90(32位int)。然而,您想要的只是原始字节的8位(0x00000090)。


mant = (b & 0xFF) << 16 | (c & 0xFF) << 8 | (d & 0xFF)

这里,在(c & 0xFF)中,由符号扩展引起的1比特在(隐式)转换为c4e920000之后被剥离。


浮动的重新封装可以通过IEEE 754表示来完成,该表示可以通过Float.floatToIntBits获得(避免使用慢对数)。代码中的一些复杂性是由基数从2变为16引起的:

private static byte[] byte4float(float f) {
    assert !Float.isNaN(f);
    // see also JavaDoc of Float.intBitsToFloat(int)
    int bits = Float.floatToIntBits(f);
    int s = (bits >> 31) == 0 ? 1 : -1;
    int e = (bits >> 23) & 0xFF;
    int m = (e == 0) ? (bits & 0x7FFFFF) << 1 : (bits&  0x7FFFFF) | 0x800000;
    int exp = (e - 150) / 4 + 6;
    int mant;
    int mantissaShift = (e - 150) % 4;  // compensate for base 16
    if (mantissaShift >= 0) mant = m << mantissaShift;
    else { mant = m << (mantissaShift + 4); exp--;  }
    if (mant > 0xFFFFFFF) { mant >>= 4; exp++; }  // loose of precision
    byte a = (byte) ((1 - s) << 6 | (exp + 64));
    return new byte[]{ a, (byte) (mant >> 16), (byte) (mant >> 8), (byte) mant };


由于@halfbit和一些测试以及一些小的更改,这个例程将IEEE 754浮点转换为IBM浮点。

public static byte[] byte4float(float f) {
    assert !Float.isNaN(f);
    // see also JavaDoc of Float.intBitsToFloat(int)
    int bits = Float.floatToIntBits(f);
    int s = (bits >> 31) == 0 ? 1 : -1;
    int e = (bits >> 23) & 0xFF;
    int m = (e == 0) ? (bits & 0x7FFFFF) << 1 : (bits&  0x7FFFFF) | 0x800000;
    int exp = (e - 150) / 4 + 6;
    int mant;
    int mantissaShift = (e - 150) % 4;  // compensate for base 16
    if (mantissaShift >= 0) mant = m >> mantissaShift;
    else mant = m >> (Math.abs(mantissaShift));
    if (mant > 0xFFFFFFF) { mant >>= 4; exp++; }  // loose of precision */
    byte a = (byte) ((1 - s) << 6 | (exp + 64));
    return new byte[]{ a, (byte) (mant >> 16), (byte) (mant >> 8), (byte) mant };


