

<div id="teks_container" >
    <marquee direction="up" scrollamount="3"  height="200px">
	   <li><strong><p align="justify">
	        I was wondering if it's possible</strong> to create HTML Rolling Credits in a website. If so, how do I need to do? Thanks
           <li><strong><p align="justify">
	        I was wondering if it's possible</strong> to create HTML Rolling Credits in a website. If so, how do I need to do? Thanks
           <li><strong><p align="justify">
	        I was wondering if it's possible</strong> to create HTML Rolling Credits in a website. If so, how do I need to do? Thanks
           <li><strong><p align="justify">
	        I was wondering if it's possible</strong> to create HTML Rolling Credits in a website. If so, how do I need to do? Thanks


var start = true;
setInterval(passStartMarquee, 1500 );
// adjust the delay
function passStartMarquee() {
    if (start) {
      start = false;
     } else {
       start = true;
<div id="teks_container" >
    <marquee direction="up" scrollamount="3"  height="200px">
	   <li ><strong><p align="justify">
	        I was wondering if it's possible</strong> to create HTML Rolling Credits in a website. If so, how do I need to do? Thanks
           <li><strong><p align="justify">
	        I was wondering if it's possible</strong> to create HTML Rolling Credits in a website. If so, how do I need to do? Thanks
           <li><strong><p align="justify">
	        I was wondering if it's possible</strong> to create HTML Rolling Credits in a website. If so, how do I need to do? Thanks
           <li><strong><p align="justify">
	        I was wondering if it's possible</strong> to create HTML Rolling Credits in a website. If so, how do I need to do? Thanks



为了更好地使用jquery marquee插件,在谷歌上搜索它,你会发现很多插件只需选择你认为最适合你的插件,然后使用并停止使用marquee标签


p {
  height: 250px;
<div id="teks_container" >
    <marquee direction="up" scrollamount="3"  height="200px">
	   <li><strong><p align="justify">
	        I was wondering if it's possible</strong> to create HTML Rolling Credits in a website. If so, how do I need to do? Thanks [1]
           <li><strong><p align="justify">
	        I was wondering if it's possible</strong> to create HTML Rolling Credits in a website. If so, how do I need to do? Thanks [2]
           <li><strong><p align="justify">
	        I was wondering if it's possible</strong> to create HTML Rolling Credits in a website. If so, how do I need to do? Thanks [3]
           <li><strong><p align="justify">
	        I was wondering if it's possible</strong> to create HTML Rolling Credits in a website. If so, how do I need to do? Thanks [4]

