



'This constant affects whether the ScrollBar appears or _
not, as well as some of the movement graphics of the _
'This MUST be reset if the TextBoxes are resized
'I made it a UserForm-level Const because I use it _
elsewhere, but it could also live in SetUpScrollBar
Private Const TEXTBOX_MAX_LINES_IN_VIEW as Long = 21
Private Sub SetUpScrollBar()
'I call this whenever I show my Userform (happens after a _
separate macro determines what to put in the TextBoxes). _
It determines whether the ScrollBar should be shown, and _
if so, sets the .Max property so it scrolls in accordance _
to the number of lines in the TextBoxes.
Dim linesInTextBox as Long
With Me.TextBox1
linesInTextBox = .LineCount - 1 
'Need to subtract 1 or you'll get an error _
when dragging the scroll bar all the way down.
End With
'If there are fewer lines than the max viewing area, hide the scroll bar.
Select Case linesInTextBox > TEXTBOX_MAX_LINES_IN_VIEW
Case is = True
ShowScrollBar True
With Me.ScrollBox
.Min = 0 'I believe this is the default, but I set it just in case
.Max = maxLinesInTextBox
.Value = 0
End With
Case is = False
ShowScrollBar False
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub ShowScrollBar(show As Boolean)
'A simple way of showing or hiding the scrollbar
With Me.ScrollBar1
.Enabled = show
.Visible = show
End With
End Sub
Private Sub ScrollBar1_Change()
'When the scrollbar position changes (either by dragging _
the slider or by clicking it), set the CurLine property _
of each TextBox to the current ScrollBar value.
With Me.TextBox1
'Need to set focus to the box to get or adjust the CurLine property
.CurLine = Me.ScrollBar1.value
End With
With Me.TextBox2
'Need to set focus to the box to get or adjust the CurLine property
.CurLine = Me.ScrollBar1.value
End With 
End Sub



  • 滚动效果很好,但如果您试图单击箭头(特别是朝着与刚才滚动相反的方向),则必须单击,直到光标到达文本框的顶部。对我来说,这是21次点击。有点烦人,但我相信有一个变通办法
  • 滚动不像普通滚动条那样实时。这意味着你可以拖动滚动条,但它不会更新文本框,直到你放手
  • 如果用户单击TextBox并开始使用箭头键导航,那么这两个框将不同步。下次用户单击滚动条时,它们将重新同步。如果用户试图选择比窗口中可见的行更多的行,这将是非常有问题的:一个TextBox将在拖动选择时滚动,但另一个TextBox保持不变
