Git子模块add +不工作+获取SSL服务器问题

我正试图将子模块myapp添加到我的admin目录,其中两个都是gits。但我一直得到SSL certificate problem。我已经做了git config http.sslVerify false试图让它工作(但我不完全确定为什么这应该有所帮助,当我想推到一个主git push -u origin master时,它工作了)。任何想法?

$ pwd
$ git submodule add ../myapp/
Cloning into 'myapp'...
fatal: unable to access '': SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
Clone of '' into submodule path 'myapp' failed
$ git config --list |grep ssl



$ git submodule add ssh:../../lte_data_day_summary/
Cloning into 'sceal/lte_data_day_summary'...
ssh: Could not resolve hostname ssh: Temporary failure in name resolution
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Clone of 'ssh:../../lte_data_day_summary/' into submodule path 'sceal/lte_data_day_summary' failed
$ pwd
/c/Users/User Name/dir1/dir2/sceal

EDIT2 - self注释

global config

$ git config --global --list

local config—为什么有2?这是地方性的还是全球性的?

$ git config --list | grep ssl

这可能是原因:[PATCH]子模块:stop saniztizing配置选项- Jeff King

The point of having a whitelist of command-line config
options to pass to submodules was two-fold:
  1. It prevented obvious nonsense like using core.worktree
     for multiple repos.
  2. It could prevent surprise when the user did not mean
     for the options to leak to the submodules (e.g.,
For case 1, the answer is mostly "if it hurts, don't do
that". For case 2, we can note that any such example has a
matching inverted surprise (e.g., a user who meant
http.sslverify=true to apply everywhere, but it didn't).

可能会删除配置,以避免将它们传递给子模块并导致意想不到的结果(例如在没有验证的情况下克隆证书可验证的HTTPS子模块)。一个解决方法是将GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY环境变量设置为git submodule命令:

# Set the environment variable is sufficient, no content is necessary
GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY= git submodule add ...
