JQuery 承诺视频播放.承诺,然后不是一个函数

我正在使用jQuery.YoutubeBackground.js在我的网站上播放背景视频。 https://github.com/rochestb/jQuery.YoutubeBackground

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    var promise = $('#homevideo').YTPlayer({
            fitToBackground: true,
            videoId: '123456', // YouTube video ID
            mute: false, // Change to true to mute music
            playerVars: {
                    modestbranding: 0,
                    autoplay: 1,
                    controls: 0,
                    showinfo: 0,
                    branding: 0,
                    rel: 0,
                    autohide: 0
            callback: function() {


if (promise !== undefined) {
    promise.then(_ => {
        console.log("Autoplay started!");
    }).catch(error => {
        console.log("Autoplay Not started!");

我收到错误未捕获的类型错误:promise.then不是一个函数。我相信这可能与if (promise !== undefined)部分的位置有关?


YTPlayer 函数不返回 promise ,如下所示。如果你不想在初始化后运行某些东西,你可以在选项对象的回调中编写该逻辑:

  fitToBackground: true,
  videoId: 'FlsCjmMhFmw',
  mute: false,
  playerVars: {
    modestbranding: 0,
    autoplay: 1,
    controls: 0,
    showinfo: 0,
    branding: 0,
    rel: 0,
    autohide: 0
  callback: function() {
    console.log("Autoplay started!");
