PHP imagick 将 PDF 转换为 JPEG 不起作用

我在Windows操作系统上安装了imagick和ghostscript。我想将PDF文件转换为图像。imagick 已安装并显示在 phpinfo 中,但 PDF 不会转换为图像。


这是我的 xampp 和 pc 规格:

架构:x86,VC14,TS启用,赢。 8,GSWIN32

if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['pdf']['tmp_name'], $pdfDirectory.$filename)) {
//the path to the PDF file
$pdfWithPath = $pdfDirectory.$filename;
//add the desired extension to the thumbnail
$thumb = $thumb.".jpg";
//execute imageMagick's 'convert', setting the color space to RGB and size to 200px wide
exec("convert "{$pdfWithPath}[0]" -colorspace RGB -geometry 100 $thumbDirectory$thumb");
//show the image
$thumbnail =  "<p><a href="$pdfWithPath"><img src="pdfimage/$thumb" alt="" /></a></p>";
$filename1 =  "<p><a href="$pdfWithPath"> FILE </a></p>";
//echo "$thumbnail";
//echo "$filename";
$query = "INSERT INTO files (thumb, department,  title, author, publisher, date_published,  isbn) VALUES ('$thumbnail' , '$dept',  '$filename', '$author', '$publisher', '$datepublished',  '$isbn')";
$run = mysqli_query($conn, $query);`

将 imagick 路径添加到用户变量,或在安装 imagick 时选择将路径添加到环境变量
