我使用ROUGE来评估摘要。我遵循http://kavita-ganesan.com/content/rouge-2.0-documentation中给出的所有步骤。我得到了到ROUGE 3的结果,但我面临着ROUGE- l和ROUGE- su -4的问题。
特性ROUGE 2.0目前支持以下操作:
- Evaluation of ROUGE-N (unigram, bigrams, trigrams, etc)
- Stemming for different languages
- Stopword removal with customizable stop words
- Evalutation of unicode texts (e.g. Persian)
- Synonyms capture for better agreement between system and reference summaries [English only and requires WordNet installation]
- Evaluation of specific parts of speech (e.g. NN) [Uses Stanford POS Tagger]
现在支持ROUGE S, L, SU。最新的文档可以在GitHub的repo中找到