



RM1: EmpId 1, ParentId null
AM1: EmpId 2, ParentId 1
MGR1: EmpId 3, ParentId 2
MGR2: EmpId 4, ParentId 2
EMP1: EmpId 5, ParentId 3
EMP2: EmpId 6, ParentId 3
EMP3: EmpId 7, ParentId 4
EMP4: EmpId 8, ParentId 4



RM1: EmpId 1, ParentId null parentSpecialId null
AM1: EmpId 2, ParentId 1    parentSpecialId null
MGR1: EmpId 3, ParentId 2   parentSpecialId 2
MGR2: EmpId 4, ParentId 2   parentSpecialId 2
EMP1: EmpId 5, ParentId 3   parentSpecialId 2
EMP2: EmpId 6, ParentId 3   parentSpecialId 2
EMP3: EmpId 7, ParentId 4   parentSpecialId 2
EMP4: EmpId 8, ParentId 4   parentSpecialId 2

我所拥有的只是这个CTE,它给了我一个AM1和AM2的结果集。因此,我需要一直遍历到EMPX,并将parentSpecialId更新为Id 2AM1,对于AM2的所有用户也是如此。当然,它需要动态,在现实生活中,我有12个这样的用户在root以下。



    SELECT id, parent, name, 0 AS EmployeeLevel
    FROM Employee
    WHERE parent = 0 
    SELECT e.id, e.parent, e.name, EmployeeLevel + 1
    FROM EmpsCTE AS p 
    JOIN Employee AS e ON e.parent = p.id 
SELECT id, parent, name, EmployeeLevel
From EmpsCTE where EmployeeLevel = 1 

哦,我使用Sql server 2008 R2


declare @T table
  Name varchar(10),
  EmpId int,
  ParentId int,
  ParentSpecialID int
insert into @T(Name, EmpId, ParentId) values
('RM1',  1, null),
('AM1',  2, 1),
('MGR1', 3, 2),
('MGR2', 4, 2),
('EMP1', 5, 3),
('EMP2', 6, 3),
('EMP3', 7, 4),
('EMP4', 8, 4);


with C as
  select T3.EmpId,
         T2.EmpId as ParentSpecialId
  from @T as T1
    inner join @T as T2
      on T1.EmpId = T2.ParentId
    inner join @T as T3
      on T2.EmpId = T3.ParentId  
  where T1.ParentId is null
  union all
  select T.EmpId,
  from @T as T
    inner join C
      on T.ParentId = C.EmpId       
update T
set ParentSpecialId = C.ParentSpecialId
from @T as T
  inner join C
    on T.EmpId = C.EmpId


declare @T table ( Name varchar(16), EmpId int, ParentId int ); 
insert into @T(Name, EmpId, ParentId) values 
  ('RM1',  1, null),
  ('AM1',  2, 1), 
  ('MGR1', 3, 2), 
  ('MGR2', 4, 2), 
  ('EMP1', 5, 3), 
  ('EMP2', 6, 3), 
  ('EMP3', 7, 4), 
  ('EMP4', 8, 4),
  ('AM2', 9, 1),
  ('MGR3', 10, 9),
  ('EMP5', 11, 10),
  ('Brown Noser', 12, 11),
  ('Intern', 13, 12),
  ('Coop', 14, 13),
  ('Nephew', 15, 14),
  ('Contractor', 16, 15);
; with CTE as (
  -- Start with the root(s).
  select Name, EmpId, ParentId, 0 as Depth, Cast(NULL as Int) as parentSpecialId
    from @T
    where ParentId is NULL
  union all
  -- Add the direct reports one layer at a time.
  select T.Name, T.EmpId, T.ParentId, CTE.Depth + 1, case when CTE.Depth = 1 then T.ParentId else CTE.parentSpecialId end
    from CTE inner join
      @T as T on T.ParentId = CTE.EmpID
    where T.ParentId = CTE.EmpId
select *,
  ( select Name from CTE as R where R.EmpId = CTE.ParentId ) as ReportsTo,
  ( select Name from CTE as SC where SC.EmpId = CTE.parentSpecialId ) as SubCommander
  from CTE
  order by Depth, Name

感谢Mikael Eriksson设置样本数据!
