合并 DataGridView Visual basic.net 2008 中的项目

 Dim X As String
 Dim V, Q, Y As Double
DGV.ColumnCount = 3
cmd = New SqlCommand("select Name,Price from Items where Name ='" & ListItems.SelectedItem & "'", con)
DR = cmd.ExecuteReader
While DR.Read()
    ' Q = Val(Qty.Text)
    X = (DR("Name").ToString())
    Y = Val((DR("Price").ToString()))
    V = Q * Y
    Dim row As String() = New String() {Q, X, V}

我正在使用可视化 basic.net,如果我在 DataGridView 中有类似的项目,如下所示例如

1 hot dog 5 $
2 hot dog 10 $
5 hot dog 20 $


8 热狗 40 $

所以你有"名称"和"价格"列。从您的代码下的文本中,我看到该名称将是"5 热狗",价格将是"20 美元"。我不知道它们是否以这种方式格式化,但我会假设如此。


    Dim nameTotal As Integer = 0
    Dim priceTotal As Integer = 0
    'loop through each row of the DGV
    For Each row As DataRow In DGV.Rows
        'evaluate value in current row
        Dim str_nameValue As String = row.Item("Name").ToString()
        str_nameValue = str_nameValue.Remove(" hot dog")
        'or if there are other string attached, remove those from the str_nameValue here to get an integer
        'processing stringcode here...
        'add to name total 
        nameTotal += CInt(str_nameValue)
        'do the same for the other column
        Dim str_priceValue As String = row.Item("Price").ToString()
        str_priceValue = str_priceValue.Remove("$")
        priceTotal += CInt(str_priceValue)
    'for loop is finished, add a new row with the values 
    'add row to table with a parameter of total values, and an empty one for the second column 
    DGV.Rows.Add(nameTotal & " hot dog " & priceTotal & "$", " ")

