

我正在学习Linux X86-64组装nasm。

global  main
extern  printf
    push    rbx                     
    mov rax,5000000d
    push    rax                     
    push    rcx                     
    mov     rdi, format             
    mov     rsi, rax                
    call    printf                  
    pop     rcx                     
    pop     rax                     
    dec     rax                     
    jnz     print                   
    pop     rbx                     
db  "%ld", 10, 0

printf的调用完全占主导地位,即使是高效效率的循环的运行时间。(您是否注意到即使您从未在任何地方使用它,也可以按下/pop rcx?也许使用慢速循环指令剩下的。

要了解有关编写有效X86 ASM的更多信息,请参见Agner Fog的优化组装指南。(以及他的微观结构指南,如果您想真正了解特定CPU的详细信息以及它们如何与众不同:一个Uarch CPU的最佳选择可能不在另一个CPU上。CPU比AMD上的CPU,但是CMOV和ADC在英特尔Predelwell上是2个UOPS,具有2个周期延迟。与AMD上的1个UOPS,因为3输入Alu M-ops(flags 二寄存器)不是AMD的问题。)另请参阅x86标签Wiki中的其他链接。


; trivial fixes to loop efficiently while calling the same slow function
global  main
extern  printf
    push    rbx
    mov     ebx, 5000000         ; don't waste a REX prefix for constants that fit in 32 bits
    ;; removed the push/pops from inside the loop.
    ; Use call-preserved regs instead of saving/restoring stuff inside a loop yourself.
    mov     edi, format          ; static data / code always has a 32-bit address
    mov     esi, ebx
    xor     eax, eax             ; The x86-64 SysV ABI requires al = number of FP args passed in FP registers for variadic functions
    call    printf                  
    dec     ebx
    jnz     .print
    pop     rbx                ; restore rbx, the one call-preserved reg we actually used.
    xor     eax,eax            ; successful exit status.
section .rodata       ; it's usually best to put constant data in a separate section of the text segment, not right next to code.
db  "%ld", 10, 0





还要注意,由于我们想按打印顺序达到数字,因此随身携带的方向是错误的,因为x86是小的。如果有一个很好的方法可以利用其他字节顺序使我们的字符串使用,我们可以使用BSWAP或MOVBE。(但是请注意,Movbe R64是Skylake上的3个融合域UOPS,其中2个AluUOPS。BSWAPR64也是2个UOPS。)


处理较短字符串的更好方法: SSSE3 PSHUFB将两个字符串洗净左包装在矢量寄存器中,然后单个移动一次以一次存储两个。洗牌蒙版仅在字符串长度(数字数)更改时才需要更新,因此不经常执行的随身携带处理特殊案例代码也可以做到这一点。


;;; Optimized version: keep the string data in a register and modify it
;;; instead of doing the whole int->string conversion every time.
section  .bss
printbuf:  resb 1024*128 + 4096     ;  Buffer size ~= half L2 cache size on Intel SnB-family.  Or use a giant buffer that we write() once.  Or maybe vmsplice to give it away to the kernel, since we only run once.
global  main
extern  printf
    push    rbx
    ; use some REX-only regs for values that we're always going to use a REX prefix with anyway for 64-bit operand size.
    mov     rdx, `5000000n`   ; (NASM string constants as integers work like little-endian, so AL = '5' = 0x35 and the high byte holds 'n' = 10).  Note that YASM doesn't support back-ticks for C-style backslash processing.
    mov     r9, 1<<56         ; decrement by 1 in the 2nd-last byte: LSB of the decimal string
    ;xor     r9d, r9d
    ;bts      r9, 56           ; IDK if this code-size optimization outside the loop would help or not.
    mov     eax, 8            ; string length.
    mov     edi, printbuf
    ;;  rdx = "????x9n".  We compute the start value for the next iteration, i.e. counter -= 10 in rdx.
    mov     r8, rdx
    ;;  r8 = rdx.  We modify it to have each last digit from 9 down to 0 in sequence, and store those strings in the buffer.
    ;;  The string could be any length, always with the first ASCII digit in the low byte; our other constants are adjusted correctly for it
    ;; narrower than 8B means that our stores overlap, but that's fine.
    ;; Starting from here to compute the next unrolled iteration's starting value takes the `sub r8, r9` instructions off the critical path, vs. if we started from r8 at the bottom of the loop.  This gives out-of-order execution more to play with.
    ;;  It means each loop iteration's sequence of subs and stores are a separate dependency chain (except for the store addresses, but OOO can get ahead on those because we only pointer-increment every 2 stores).
    mov     [rdi], r8
    sub     r8, r9             ; r8 = "xxx8n"
    mov     [rdi + rax], r8    ; defer p += len by using a 2-reg addressing mode
    sub     r8, r9             ; r8 = "xxx7n"
    lea     edi, [rdi + rax*2]  ; if we had len*3 in another reg, we could defer this longer
           ;; our static buffer is guaranteed to be in the low 31 bits of address space so we can safely save a REX prefix on the LEA here.  Normally you shouldn't truncate pointers to 32-bits, but you asked for the fastest possible.  This won't hurt, and might help on some CPUs, especially with possible decode bottlenecks.
    ;; repeat that block 3 more times.
    ;; using a short inner loop for the 9..0 last digit might be a win on some CPUs (like maybe Core2), depending on their front-end loop-buffer capabilities if the frontend is a bottleneck at all here.
    ;; anyway, then for the last one:
    mov     [rdi], r8             ; r8 = "xxx1n"
    sub     r8, r9
    mov     [rdi + rax], r8       ; r8 = "xxx0n"
    lea     edi, [rdi + rax*2]

    ;; compute next iteration's RDX.  It's probably a win to interleave some of this into the loop body, but out-of-order execution should do a reasonably good job here.
    mov     rcx, r9
    shr     rcx, 8      ; maybe hoist this constant out, too
    ; rcx = 1 in the second-lowest digit
    sub     rdx, rcx
    ; detect carry when '0' (0x30) - 1 = 0x2F by checking the low bit of the high nibble in that byte.
    shl     rcx, 5
    test    rdx, rcx
    jz      .carry_second_digit
    ; .carry_second_digit is some complicated code to propagate carry as far as it needs to go, up to the most-significant digit.
    ; when it's done, it re-enters the loop at the top, with eax and r9 set appropriately.
    ; it only runs once per 100 digits, so it doesn't have to be super-fast
    ; maybe only do buffer-length checks in the carry-handling branch,
    ; in which case the jz .carry  can be  jnz .storeloop
    cmp     edi, esi              ; } while(p < endp)
    jbe     .storeloop
    ; write() system call on the buffer.
    ; Maybe need a loop around this instead of doing all 5M integer-strings in one giant buffer.
    pop     rbx
    xor     eax,eax            ; successful exit status.




即使这个标量版本也可能接近每个时钟维持一家商店,这使商店端口饱和。它们只有8b商店(当字符串变短时,有用的部分比那短),因此,如果我们不在缓存失误上瓶颈,我们肯定会在桌子上留下性能。但是,使用3GHz CPU和双通道DDR3-1600(〜25.6GB/s理论最大带宽),每个时钟8B足以用单个核心使主内存饱和。



