如果窗体(PHP Symfony)中没有设置小部件,则为其设置默认值

我正在使用Symfony PHP。我有一个复选框,根据它是否被选中,我想在表单中显示一个组合框。如果选中复选框,我希望显示带有所有选项的组合,但如果未选中复选框,我希望禁用组合,但是小部件在保存表单时必须具有默认值或硬编码值。我不知道该怎么做,因为当我将组合框设置为禁用时,表单将小部件保存为空,而我无法设置预定义的值。有人能帮我吗?



class myForm
    public function configure()
        // configuration
    public function bind($taintedValues = array(), $taintedFiles = array())
        // I can alter the behaviour of the form here, depending on the data submitted
        if (isset($taintedValues['do_not_store_my_personal_details'])) {
            // Change the value of a form field. If the form doesn't pass validation, the user will see any information entered into the phone_number fields has been deleted
            $taintedValues['phone_number'] = null;
        return parent::bind($taintedValues, $taintedFiles);
    public function updateObject($values = null)
        if ($values === null) {
            $values = $this->getValues();
        // Override the data stored with the object
        if ($values['do_not_store_my_personal_details'] == true) {
            $values['phone_number'] = null;
        return parent::updateObject($values);
