

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <opencvhighgui.h>
#include <iostream>
// ass.cpp : Converts the given RGB image to HSI colour space then
//           performs Fourier filtering on a particular channel.
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
// Declarations of 4 unfinished functions
Mat rgb2hsi(const Mat& rgb);  // converts RGB image to HSI space
Mat hsi2rgb(const Mat& hsi);  // converts HSI image to RGB space
Mat histogram(const Mat& im); // returns the histogram of the selected channel in HSI space
// void filter(Mat& im);//          // performs frequency-domain filtering on a single-channel image
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc < 2) // check number of arguments
cerr << "feed me something!!" << endl; // no arguments passed
return -1;
string path = argv[1];
Mat im; // load an RGB image
Mat hsi = rgb2hsi(im); // convert it to HSI space
Mat slices[3]; // 3 channels of the converted HSI image
im = imread(path); //try to load path
if (im.empty()) // loaded Sucessfully
cerr << "I Cannot load the file : ";
return -1;
imshow("BEFORE", im);
split(hsi, slices); // split up the packed HSI image into an array of matrices
Mat& h = slices[0];
Mat& s = slices[1];
Mat& i = slices[2]; // references to H, S, and I layers
Mat hist1, hist2; // histogram of the selected channel before and after filtering


Mat histogram(const Mat& im)
Mat hist;
const float range[] = { 0, 255 };
const int channels[] = { 0 };
const int bins = range[1] - range[0];
const int dims[] = { bins, 1 };
const Size binSize(2, 240);
const float* ranges[] = { range };
// calculate the histogram
calcHist(&im, 1, channels, Mat(), hist, 1, dims, ranges);
Mat draw = Mat::zeros(binSize.height, binSize.width * bins, CV_8UC3);
double maxVal;
minMaxLoc(hist, NULL, &maxVal, 0, 0);
for (int b = 0; b < bins; b++)
float val = hist.at<float>(b, 0);
int x0 = binSize.width * b;
int y0 = draw.rows - val / maxVal * binSize.height + 1;
int x1 = binSize.width * (b + 1) - 1;
int y1 = draw.rows - 1;
rectangle(draw,0, cv::(Point(x0, y0), cv::Point(x1, y1)), Scalar::all(255), CV_FILLED);
return draw;

imwrite("input-original.png", rgb); // write the input image
imwrite("hist-original.png", histogram(h)); // write the histogram of the selected channel
filter(h); // perform filtering
merge(slices, 3, hsi); // combine the separated H, S, and I layers to a big packed matrix
rgb = hsi2rgb(hsi); // convert HSI back to RGB colour space
imwrite("input-filtered.png", rgb); // write the filtered image
imwrite("hist-filtered.png", histogram(h)); // and the histogram of the filtered channel
return 0;

Mat rgb2hsi(const Mat& rgb)
Mat slicesRGB[3];
Mat slicesHSI[3];
Mat &r = slicesRGB[0], &g = slicesRGB[1], &b = slicesRGB[2];
Mat &h = slicesHSI[0], &s = slicesHSI[1], &i = slicesHSI[2];
split(rgb, slicesRGB);
// TODO: implement colour conversion RGB => HSI
// begin of conversion code
h = r * 1.0f;
s = g * 1.0f;
i = b * 1.0f;
// end of conversion code
Mat hsi;
merge(slicesHSI, 3, hsi);
return hsi;
Mat hsi2rgb(const Mat& hsi)
Mat slicesRGB[3];
Mat slicesHSI[3];
Mat &r = slicesRGB[0], &g = slicesRGB[1], &b = slicesRGB[2];
Mat &h = slicesHSI[0], &s = slicesHSI[1], &i = slicesHSI[2];
split(hsi, slicesHSI);

// begin of conversion code
r = h * 1.0f;
g = s * 1.0f;
b = i * 1.0f;
// end of conversion code
Mat rgb;
merge(slicesRGB, 3, rgb);
return rgb;
Mat histogram(const Mat& im)
Mat hist;
const float range[] = { 0, 255 };
const int channels[] = { 0 };
const int bins = range[1] - range[0];
const int dims[] = { bins, 1 };
const Size binSize(2, 240);
const float* ranges[] = { range };
// calculate the histogram
calcHist(&im, 1, channels, Mat(), hist, 1, dims, ranges);
Mat draw = Mat::zeros(binSize.height, binSize.width * bins, CV_8UC3);
double maxVal;
minMaxLoc(hist, NULL, &maxVal, 0, 0);
for (int b = 0; b < bins; b++)
float val = hist.at<float>(b, 0);
int x0 = binSize.width * b;
int y0 = draw.rows - val / maxVal * binSize.height + 1;
int x1 = binSize.width * (b + 1) - 1;
int y1 = draw.rows - 1;
rectangle(draw, Point(x0, y0), Point(x1, y1), Scalar::all(255), CV_FILLED);
return draw;
void filter(Mat& im)
int type = im.type();
// Convert pixel data from unsigned 8-bit integers (0~255)
//  to 32-bit floating numbers, as required by cv::dft
if (type != CV_32F) im.convertTo(im, CV_32F);
// Perform 2-D Discrete Fourier Transform
Mat f;
// Separate the packed complex matrix to two matrices
Mat complex[2];
Mat& real = complex[0]; // the real part
Mat& imag = complex[1]; // the imaginary part
split(f, complex); // dft(im) => {real,imag}
// Frequency domain filtering
int xc = im.cols / 2; // find (xc,yc) the highest
int yc = im.rows / 2; //  frequency component
for (int y = 0; y < im.rows; y++) // go through each row..
for (int x = 0; x < im.cols; x++) // then through each column..
// TODO: Design your formula here to decide if the component is
//       discarded or kept.
if (false) // override this condition
real.at<float>(y, x) = 0;
imag.at<float>(y, x) = 0;
// Pack the real and imaginary parts 
//  back to the 2-channel matrix
merge(complex, 2, f); // {real,imag} => f
// Perform 2-D Inverse Discrete Fourier Transform
idft(f, im, DFT_REAL_OUTPUT); // do iDFT
// convert im back to it's original type
im.convertTo(im, type);


1 IntelliSense:应为";"d: \709教程\Dibya_project\Dibya.project\Dubya_project.cpp 48 2 Dibya_ject2 IntelliSense:标识符"draw"未定义d:\709Tutorial\Diya_project\Diya_project.cpp 70 13 Dibya_project3 IntelliSense:没有重载函数"矩形"的实例匹配参数列表参数类型为:(,int,cv::Scalar_,int)d:\709教程\Dibya_project\Dibya.project\Dubya_project.cpp 72 4 Dibya_ject4 IntelliSense:应为标识符d:\709教程\Dibya_project\Dibya.project\Dubya_project.cpp 72 26 Dibya_ject5 IntelliSense:构造函数"cv::Point_<Tp>::Point[with_Tp=int]"的实例与参数列表不匹配参数类型为:(,双__cdecl(双_X))d:\709 Tutorial\Dibya_project\Dibya.project.cpp 72 27 Dibya_ject


rectangle(draw,0, cv::(Point(x0, y0), cv::Point(x1, y1)), Scalar::all(255), CV_FILLED);


rectangle(draw,0, cv::Rect(Point(x0, y0), cv::Point(x1, y1)), Scalar::all(255), CV_FILLED);


rectangle(draw,0, Point(x0, y0), cv::Point(x1, y1), Scalar::all(255), CV_FILLED);


