用 decltype 和 auto 推导出 const(返回)类型


const int f()
const int i = 1;
return i;
decltype(auto) i_fromFunc = f(); // i_fromFunc is of type 'int'
const int i = 1;
decltype(auto) i_fromVar = i; // i_fromVar is of type 'const int'


const int func()
const int i = 1;
return i;
decltype(auto) funcDecltype()
const int i = 1;
return i;        
auto funcAuto()
const int i = 1;
return i;
void DeduceFromFunc()
decltype(auto) i = func(); // i is of type 'int', similar to auto i = func()
i = 2;
decltype(auto) iDT = funcDecltype(); // iDT is of type 'int', similar to auto iDT = funcDecltype()
iDT = 2;
decltype(auto) iA = funcAuto(); // iA is of type 'int', similar to auto iA = funcAuto().
iA = 2;
// For the sake of completeness:
const auto ci = func(); // const int
//ci = 2; // Not mutable.
//auto& iRef = func(); // non const lvalue of 'int&' can't bind to rvalue of 'int'
const auto& ciRef = func(); // const int &
//ciRef = 2; // Not mutable.
auto&& iRV = func(); // int &&
iRV = 2;
const auto&& ciRV = func(); // const int &&
//ciRV = 2; // Not mutable.
const int gi = 1;
void DeduceFromVar()
auto i_fromVar = gi; // i_fromVar is of type 'int'.
i_fromVar = 2;
decltype(auto) iDT_fromVar = gi; // iDT_fromVar is of type 'const int'
//iDT = 2; // Not mutable.
// For the sake of completeness:
auto& iRef = gi; // reference to const int
//iRef = 2; // Not mutable.
auto&& iRVRef = gi; // rvalue ref to const int
//iRVRef = 2; // Not mutable.
int main()




没有非类类型的const值。函数const int f()基本等价于int f()


如果 prvalue 最初具有类型"cvT",其中T是 cv 非限定的非类、非数组类型,则在进行任何进一步分析之前,表达式的类型将调整为T

