
  • 本文关键字:网页 获取 火狐浏览器 vba
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我正在使用AppActivate 专注于已经在Firefox上打开的网页(不想打开新标签页或其他Firefox实例(。在此选项卡中,我想按getElementById复制特定值并粘贴到新工作表上以通过电子邮件发送。有人可以帮忙吗?我尝试了不同的方法,但直到现在都没有奏效。

Sub startFirefox()
    Dim appfile As String
    Dim fftask As Double
    appfile = "Firefox"
    On Error Resume Next
    AppActivate "Firefox"
        If Err <> 0 Then
            Err = 0
            fftask = Shell(appfile, 1)
            If Err <> 0 Then MsgBox "Cannot start FF" 'if firefox is not open going to open a new instance
        End If
    '2nd part that i need to get the values from web page
    Dim varA, Url As String
    Url = "example"
    Dim Site As Object
    Set Site = CreateObject("firefox.application")
    Dim oHTMLDoc As Object
    Set oHTMLDoc = Site.Document
    varA = oHTMLDoc.getElementById("X5").Value
    MsgBox varA  'here is not showing any value. I put the msgbox just to see if is getting any value
End Sub


程序员使用Internet Explorer - 可编程浏览器。所以使用Set site = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")

使用 COM 时不需要AppActivate,它有一大组规则阻止它为程序工作(它旨在防止程序窃取焦点(。
