VBA -ContentControlonenter正在影响我的所有控件,而不仅仅是指定的控件



Private Sub Document_ContentControlOnEnter(ByVal Endate As ContentControl)
'Declare variable names to deal with the content control data
Dim SD As ContentControl
Dim TC As ContentControl
Dim TC1 As ContentControl
Dim ED As ContentControl
Dim NewDate
'Connect each variable name to its content control
Set TC = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTag("Training").Item(1)
Set SD = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTag("Stardate").Item(1)
Set ED = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTag("Endate").Item(1)
'For some reason, twice removed from the source works better
Set TC1 = TC
    If SD.Range.Text <> "Click to enter a date" Then
    NewDate = DateValue(SD.Range.Text)
'Look at Training Content Control - what was selected.
'If one of the two longer courses is picked, add 2 days to the start date
'and use that as the end date. Otherwise just add one day.
    Select Case TC1.Range.Text
        Case "Basic Skills"
            ED.Range.Text = Format((NewDate + 2), "MMM d, yyyy")
        Case "Caseworker"
            ED.Range.Text = Format((NewDate + 2), "MMM d, yyyy")
        Case Else
            ED.Range.Text = Format((NewDate + 1), "MMM d, yyyy")
    End Select
    End If
'Once we're done, re-set the variables for the next round. This does not change
'the content of the form.
    Set TC = Nothing
    Set SD = Nothing
    Set ED = Nothing
End Sub



而不是在输入"端"控件时触发它,而是 输入所有控件的触发器


注意事件签名通过参数ByVal ContentControl As ContentControl。这是触发事件的内容控制。因此,给出此参数的特定内容控制的名称不是最佳方法 - 它可以是任何内容控制。


Private Sub Document_ContentControlOnEnter(ByVal cc As ContentControl)
'Declare variable names to deal with the content control data
Dim SD As ContentControl
Dim TC As ContentControl
Dim TC1 As ContentControl
Dim ED As ContentControl
Dim NewDate
If cc.Tag = "EndDate" Then
  'Connect each variable name to its content control
  Set TC = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTag("Training").Item(1)
  Set SD = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTag("Stardate").Item(1)
  Set ED = cc 
  'Do other things, here
End If
End Sub


Private Sub Document_ContentControlOnEnter(ByVal Endate As ContentControl)
If len(Endate.Range.Text) > 0 then
    'Declare variable names to deal with the content control data
    Dim SD As ContentControl
    Dim TC As ContentControl
    Dim TC1 As ContentControl
    Dim ED As ContentControl
    Dim NewDate
    'Connect each variable name to its content control
    Set TC = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTag("Training").Item(1)
    Set SD = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTag("Stardate").Item(1)
    Set ED = ActiveDocument.SelectContentControlsByTag("Endate").Item(1)
    'For some reason, twice removed from the source works better
    Set TC1 = TC
        If SD.Range.Text <> "Click to enter a date" Then
        NewDate = DateValue(SD.Range.Text)
    'Look at Training Content Control - what was selected.
    'If one of the two longer courses is picked, add 2 days to the start date
    'and use that as the end date. Otherwise just add one day.
        Select Case TC1.Range.Text
            Case "Basic Skills"
                ED.Range.Text = Format((NewDate + 2), "MMM d, yyyy")
            Case "Caseworker"
                ED.Range.Text = Format((NewDate + 2), "MMM d, yyyy")
            Case Else
                ED.Range.Text = Format((NewDate + 1), "MMM d, yyyy")
        End Select
        End If
    'Once we're done, re-set the variables for the next round. This does not change
    'the content of the form.
        Set TC = Nothing
        Set SD = Nothing
        Set ED = Nothing
end if
End Sub
