


我对此做了一些研究,很多人都指出 https://github.com/mattdiamond/Recorderjs 但是开发在 4 年前就停止了,从我发现的情况来看,它似乎有很多问题。

只是像这样初始化它var rec = new Recorder(spectrum);我收到一个错误说Cannot read property 'createScriptProcessor' of undefined at new Recorder快速搜索显示已弃用,请参阅 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/BaseAudioContext/createScriptProcessor。

虽然我有一个多轨播放器,如果我能弄清楚如何导出带有我可以从那里开始的关卡和平移的单个曲目。有没有其他方法可以仅使用 Web 音频 API 导出网络音频,或者任何人都可以将我指向任何其他可能有效的 js 库?

假设你有 PCM 音频,则可以向其添加 RIFF/WAV 标头,从中创建 Blob,然后在a.href属性上将 blob 设置为对象 URL。 StackOverflow 在此处阻止下载,但您可以在本地运行它进行测试。 希望这有帮助! 🇮🇪

// fetch stereo PCM Float 32 little-endian file 
const url = 'https://batman.dev/static/61881209/triangle-stereo-float.pcm'
const ctx = new AudioContext()
const elStatus = document.querySelector('#status')
const elButton = document.querySelector('#download')
async function init() {
// get raw/PCM buffer (you will presumably already have your own)
const buffer = await (await fetch(url)).arrayBuffer()

// get WAV file bytes and audio params of your audio source
const wavBytes = getWavBytes(buffer, {
isFloat: true,       // floating point or 16-bit integer (WebAudio API decodes to Float32Array)
numChannels: 2,
sampleRate: 44100,
// add the button
elButton.href = URL.createObjectURL(
new Blob([wavBytes], { type: 'audio/wav' })
elButton.setAttribute('download', 'my-audio.wav') // name file
elButton.hidden = false
function status(msg) {
elStatus.innerText = msg
function showError(e) {
status(`ERROR: ${e}`)
// Returns Uint8Array of WAV bytes
function getWavBytes(buffer, options) {
const type = options.isFloat ? Float32Array : Uint16Array
const numFrames = buffer.byteLength / type.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT
const headerBytes = getWavHeader(Object.assign({}, options, { numFrames }))
const wavBytes = new Uint8Array(headerBytes.length + buffer.byteLength);
// prepend header, then add pcmBytes
wavBytes.set(headerBytes, 0)
wavBytes.set(new Uint8Array(buffer), headerBytes.length)
return wavBytes
// adapted from https://gist.github.com/also/900023
// returns Uint8Array of WAV header bytes
function getWavHeader(options) {
const numFrames =      options.numFrames
const numChannels =    options.numChannels || 2
const sampleRate =     options.sampleRate || 44100
const bytesPerSample = options.isFloat? 4 : 2
const format =         options.isFloat? 3 : 1
const blockAlign = numChannels * bytesPerSample
const byteRate = sampleRate * blockAlign
const dataSize = numFrames * blockAlign
const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(44)
const dv = new DataView(buffer)
let p = 0
function writeString(s) {
for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
dv.setUint8(p + i, s.charCodeAt(i))
p += s.length
function writeUint32(d) {
dv.setUint32(p, d, true)
p += 4
function writeUint16(d) {
dv.setUint16(p, d, true)
p += 2
writeString('RIFF')              // ChunkID
writeUint32(dataSize + 36)       // ChunkSize
writeString('WAVE')              // Format
writeString('fmt ')              // Subchunk1ID
writeUint32(16)                  // Subchunk1Size
writeUint16(format)              // AudioFormat
writeUint16(numChannels)         // NumChannels
writeUint32(sampleRate)          // SampleRate
writeUint32(byteRate)            // ByteRate
writeUint16(blockAlign)          // BlockAlign
writeUint16(bytesPerSample * 8)  // BitsPerSample
writeString('data')              // Subchunk2ID
writeUint32(dataSize)            // Subchunk2Size
return new Uint8Array(buffer)
body {
padding: 2rem;
font-family: sans-serif;
text-align: center;
#download {
padding: 1em 2em;
color: #fff;
background: #4c8bf5;
text-decoration: none;
<div id="status">Loading...</div>
<a hidden id="download">⬇ Download</a>
