如何在 JS 对象中搜索元素(构建不和谐机器人 - 不和谐.js)


我有一个包含数据的 CSV 文件,其中每行的第一列都有完整的国家/地区名称。



机器人从c.(国家名称或国家代码(获取数据,例如 c.ukc.unitedKingdom将是csv文件中的英国。


else if((msg.content.split('.')[1] != null)){
let arr1 = {
"AE":"U A E",
let arr11 = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(arr1).map(e=>e.reverse())); //reversed original object to allow for full country names to be inputted
let arr2 = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(arr11).replace(/"s+|s+"/g,'"')); //strips of blank spaces to match input
var country = msg.content.split('.')[1]; //splits c.uk to ['c.','uk']
if(arr1[country]){ // checking if user inputted a string that is a country code
//EXECUTE on found in first array. e.g. user entered 'ad', and the program finds 'Andorra'
msg.channel.send('you entered **' + country + '** and the checking was **' + arr1[country] + '** [Using arr1]');
else if(arr2[country]){ //checking if user inputted country name
//EXECUTE on found unitedkingdom to UK - add .tolowerCase
msg.channel.send('you entered **' + country + '** and the checking was **' + arr2[country] + '** [Using arr2]');
} else {
msg.channel.send('else statement executed');


目前,这总是打印("else 语句已执行"(。

任何帮助将不胜感激 - 谢谢!

您尝试检查arr1[country],其中country可以处于不同的大小写中,例如arr1['uk'],当UK大写的对象中的 -key 时。


let arr1 = {
"AE":"U A E",
// remove spaces from value, make it upper case and reverse
const makeObj = ([key, value]) => {
// array [VALUE, key]
let result = [value.toUpperCase().replace(/s/g, ''), key];
return result;
let arr2 = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(arr1).map(makeObj)); // reverse object
arr1 = Object.assign(arr1, arr2); // make single object
let country = msg.content.split('.')[1].toUpperCase(); // requested country in upper case
msg.channel.send(country, arr1[country]);
} else {
msg.channel.send('else statement executed');
