
这是我尝试使用Java Generics进行的操作的简化示例。

void <T> recursiveMethod(T input) {
    //do something with input treating it as type T
    if (/*need to check if T has a supertype*/) {
        recursiveMethod((/*need to get supertype of T*/) input);
        // NOTE that I am trying to call recursiveMethod() with
        // the input object cast as immediate supertype of T.
        // I am not trying to call it with the class of its supertype.
        // Some of you seem to not understand this distinction.

如果我们有一个长的类型链a扩展B扩展C(扩展对象),调用recursiveMethod(new A())应该执行如下:

recursiveMethod(A input)
 -> A has supertype B
recursiveMethod(B input)
 -> B has supertype C
recursiveMethod(C input)
 -> C has supertype Object
recursiveMethod(Object input)
 -> Object has no supertype -> STOP


void recursiveMethod(Object input) {
    recursiveMethod(input.getClass(), input);
private void recursiveMethod(Class cls, Object input) {
    //do something with input treating it as class 'cls'
    if (cls != null) {
        recursiveMethod(cls.getSuperclass(), input);

我可以使用泛型做同样的操作吗我尝试声明为<S, T extends S>,然后强制转换为(S)input,但S始终等于T,这会导致堆栈溢出


public static <T> void iterateOverSupertypes(T input) {
    Class<?> clazz = input.getClass();
    while (clazz.getSuperclass() != null) {
        clazz = clazz.getSuperclass();



