动态呈现视图后将事件绑定到视图的 el

<div class="container"> // this is the parent div template (already existing in the DOM prior to instantiating the View


  <div id="measure-cid1"> // the number is dynamic
    <div class="row-fluid">
      <div class="remove-measure-rep"><i class="icon-minus"</i></div>
    …other stuff…
  <div id="measure-cid2">
    <div class="row-fluid">
      <div class="remove-measure-rep"><i class="icon-minus"</i></div>
    …other stuff…
  … multiple other 'measure-cid*'s
// remaining portion from the parent div template

BB JS视图:

define([…], …){ //using require
  return Backbone.View.extend({
    // I can not define the el here, as it is dynamic, so I have to set it in the init
    events : {
      'click .remove-measure-rep' : 'removeRepresentation',
      'click' : 'removeRepresentation'
    initialize: function(options){
      if (options) {
        //passing options.* to this view as this.*
        for (var key in options) {
          this[key] = options[key];
        console.log(this.el); // I get `<div></div>`
        this.el = '#measure-rep-'+this.measureRepModel.cid;
        console.log(this.el); // This returns `#measure-rep-c28`
        console.log(this.el); //This returns `undefined`
        console.log(this.el); //this returns `<div></div>`
        console.log(this.el); // this returns `undefined`
      //Dispatch listeners
      this.model.bind('change', _.bind(this.render, this));
    render: function(){
      // I attach the template to its parent div 
      var compiledTemplate = _.template( MeasureRepTemplate, measureRepTemplateParamaters );
      // put in the rendered template in the measure-rep-container of the measure
      $(this.repContainerEl).append( compiledTemplate );
    removeRepresentation: function(ev){
      console.log('getting here');

在阅读了 el 甚至在 init 之前作为临时持有者创建的后,我不知道如何捕获类'.remove-measure-rep'的点击。 我还在模板上验证了类remove-measure-rep在模板内,而不是其他地方,因为似乎其他关于未捕获事件的 SO 问题涉及视图仅在自己的模板中查找类或 ID。 视图应该创建 HTML,并将其添加到 DOM 中。

如何让视图访问单击事件?,因为当我在 init 中将 el 设置为不同的值时,它没有注册。我单独尝试了其中的每一个,但它仍然不起作用。 它是否与在div 中设置模板,然后尝试将元素从模板绑定到 VIew 有关?

  1. 不要惹this.el.只需让主干为您定义视图的元素
  2. 在模板中,省略最外层的<div>标签,因为它将是主干标签
  3. render里面,只需设置你想要的ID

    events : {
      'click .remove-measure-rep' : 'removeRepresentation',
      'click' : 'removeRepresentation'
    initialize: function(options){
      if (options) {
        //passing options.* to this view as this.*
        for (var key in options) {
          this[key] = options[key];
        //don't mess with this.el at all
      //Dispatch listeners
      //better to use listenTo here
      this.listenTo(this.model, 'change', _.bind(this.render, this));  
      //I think initialize calling render is an antipattern. Discouraged.
    render: function(){
      //Here you can set your dynamic ID
      this.$el.attr('id', 'measure-cid' + this.model.id);
      // I attach the template to its parent div 
      var compiledTemplate = _.template( MeasureRepTemplate, measureRepTemplateParamaters );
      // put in the rendered template in the measure-rep-container of the measure
      //view's appending themselves to the DOM is also an antipattern in my book, but anyway..
      $(this.repContainerEl).append( compiledTemplate );
    removeRepresentation: function(ev){
      console.log('getting here');
