我正在尝试从维基百科页面抓取数据(它是某些年份前 100 首单曲的表格),同时将输出保存到 1951-1959 年的 csv,然后它给出了一个错误:
第 43 行,在 writer.writerow(songs) 文件 "C:\Python36_64\lib\encodings\cp1252.py",
第 19 行,在编码返回中 codecs.charmap_encode(输入,自我错误,encoding_table)[0]
UnicodeEncodeError:"charmap"编解码器无法在 中编码字符"\u0107" 位置 29:字符映射到<未定义>未定义>
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import csv
data = []
def scrape_data(search_year):
year_data = []
url = f'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Billboard_Year-End_Hot_100_singles_of_{str(search_year)}'
# Get a source code from url
r = requests.get(url).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(r, 'html.parser')
# Isolate the table part from the source code
table = soup.find('table', attrs={'class': 'wikitable'})
# Extract every row of the table
rows = table.find_all('tr')
# Iterate through every row
for row in rows[1:]:
# Extract cols (with tags td and th)
cols = row.find_all(['td', 'th'])
# List comprehension (create a list of lists, list of rows, in which every row is a list of table text)
year_data.append([col.text.replace('n', '') for col in cols])
# Add the year, this data is from to the beginning of the list
for n in year_data:
n.insert(0, search_year)
return year_data
for year in range(1951, 2019):
print(f'Year {str(year)} Scrapped')
except AttributeError as e:
print(f'Year {str(year)} is not aviable')
writer = csv.writer(open('songs.csv', 'w'), delimiter=',', lineterminator='n', quotechar='"')
for year_data in data:
for songs in year_data:
我认为您可以在编写输出时使用正确的 unicode 编码来纠正这一点:
writer = csv.writer(open('songs.csv', 'w', encoding='utf-8'),
delimiter=',', lineterminator='n', quotechar='"')