
我正在为我的班级做一个项目。我们从来没有过数组,我正试图弄清楚如何使用用户输入的关联。我不知道我是否走对了路。我最终需要用键值对数组进行排序。但首先,如果我能得到一些反馈,那就太好了。我一直得到一个错误消息":语法错误,意外的'each' (T_STRING),期待"


<TITLE>Student Form</TITLE>
<FORM METHOD="post" ACTION="final_project.php">
<P>Please enter your name: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="txtname" SIZE= 10></P>
<P>Please enter your id: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="txtid" SIZE= 10></P>
<P>Please enter your address: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="txtaddress" SIZE= 10></P>
<P>Please enter your cell phone number: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="txtcell" SIZE= 10></P>
<P>Please enter your Major: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="txtmajor" SIZE= 10></P>
<P>Please enter your E-mail address: <INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="txtemail" SIZE= 10></P>
<P><INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="submit" VALUE="Submit"></P>
$txtname = $_POST['txtname'];
$txtid = $_POST['txtid'];
$txtaddress = $_POST['txtaddress'];
$txtcell = $_POST['txtcell'];
$array = array(txtname=>$txtname, txtid=>$txtid, txtaddress=>$txtaddress, txtcell=>$txtcell);
for each ($txtid as $key => $array){
echo "Your first name is ".$txtname.", id number is ".$txtid[$key].", your address is ".$txtaddress.", phone number is ".$txtcell.".";



$array = array(txtname=>$txtname, txtid=>$txtid, txtaddress=>$txtaddress, txtcell=>$txtcell);
for each ($txtid as $key => $array){
    echo "Your first name is ".$txtname.", id number is ".$txtid[$key].", your address is ".$txtaddress.", phone number is ".$txtcell.".";

$array = array('txtname'=>$txtname, 'txtid'=>$txtid, 'txtaddress'=>$txtaddress, 'txtcell'=>$txtcell);
foreach ($array as $value){
    echo $value.'</br>';


 * Array contains the desired fields. You could add txtmajor or txtemail
 * for example in the future if you desire. This is an additional safety
 * check as well. You should never blindly save all $_POST fields as a
 * user with malicious intent or a third party may have modified the
 * initial request to contain extra data.
$fields = array("txtname", "txtid", "txtaddress", "txtcell");
// Ensure this was a POST request and not the initial GET request.
if(strtolower($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) === "post") {
    // Create an array to store the posted values
    $values = array();
     * Loop through the $fields array you created above and make sure
     * the post array contains the key. This will ensure that you don't
     * leave a required field out or make a typo in your HTML.
    foreach($fields as $value) {
         * If the key exists and the value was not left blank, strip it
         * for any malicious tags, trim off leading and trailing white
         * space and save it in your $values array with the field name
         * as the key. This makes it easy to reference the value in the
         * future.
         * Note: This is minimal sanitation. You should always take
         *       check your user's input especially if you plan to 
         *       redisplay it on the screen at a later time or store
         *       it in a database.
        if(array_key_exists($value, $_POST) && !empty($_POST[$value])) {
            $values[$value] = trim(strip_tags($_POST[$value]));
        } else {
             * If the key doesn't exist, there may be a typo in your HTML
             * or the returned content may have been manipulated by a third
             * party person, proxy or service. Whatever the case, kill the
             * script and render the plain HTML.
     * Finally, since you know the field names and you want to use the
     * information in a single sentence, there's no point in looping back
     * through the array. Reference the values and echo the sentence...
    echo "Your first name is " . $values['txtname'] . ", id number is " . $values['txtid'] . ", your address is " . $values['txtaddress'] . ", phone number is " . $values['txtcell'] . ".";
