尝试运行方法时,请获取'NoneType is not callable'


问题是在rm1方法中的return self.rm3和rm3本身的代码之间的某个地方。


from sys import exit
from random import randint
def death():
    print 'You are "dead", I guess.'
def inp(prompt='What do you do? '):
    to_return = raw_input(prompt).lower()
    if to_return == 'q' or to_return == 'quit':
        print "Bye now~"
        return to_return
class Rooms(object):
    def __init__(self):
        current_room = self.rm1
        self.items = []
        while True:
            current_room = current_room()
    def rm1(self):
        print "=== You are in Room 1 ==="
        print "You are in a dark room."
        print "Obvious exits are east and south."
        while True:
            choice = inp()
            if choice == "east":
                return self.rm2
            elif choice == "south":
                return self.rm3
            elif choice == "look":
                return self.rm1
    def rm2(self):
        print "=== You are in Room 2 ==="
        if "haircomb" not in self.items:
            print "There is a high-tech looking keypad on the southernly wall,"
            print "next to the door."
            print "Upon closer inspection there are not numbers, but three"
            print "letters on the keypad: A, M, and Z."
            print "Do you try to guess the code?"
        print "Obvious exits are west and south."
        while True:
            choice = inp()
            if "guess code" in choice and "haircomb" not in self.items:
                return self.rm2guess
            elif choice == "west":
                return self.rm1
            elif choice == "south" and "haircomb" not in self.items:
                print "The door is firmly locked."
            elif choice == "south" and "haircomb" in self.items:
                return self.rm4
            elif choice == "look":
                return self.rm2
    def rm2guess(self):
        correct_answer = randint(1,3)
        guesses_left = 2
        print "You approach the keypad."
        while True:
            guess = inp("Which key do you press? ").lower()
            if guess == "a" or guess == "m" or guess == "z":
                if guess == "a":
                    guess = 1
                elif guess == "m":
                    guess = 2
                elif guess == "z":
                    guess = 3
                if guess == correct_answer:
                    print "The machine whirrs and then beeps."
                    print "The southernly door seems to be open now."
                    print "Suddenly, a haircomb falls from the bottom of the "
                    print "keypad. You take it."
                    return self.rm2
                elif guess != correct_answer and guesses_left > 0:
                    print "The machine whirrs and clicks %s times." 
                                                        % guesses_left
                    guesses_left -= 1
                elif guess != correct_answer and guesses_left == 0:
                    print "An alarm goes off and the police pick you up."
                    print "You are put on death row, because you live under a"
                    print "horrible dictatorship."
                print "That ain't no key on the pad, yo."
    def rm3(self):
        def __init__(self):
            if "coin" not in self.items:
                print "You come into a room. A man stands at the doorway."
                print "He tells you that in order to pass the door, you need to"
                print "guess which hand holds the coin."
                print "Do you try to guess?"
            print "Obvious exits are east and north."
            while True:
                choice = inp()
                if "guess" in choice:
                    return self.rm3guess
                elif choice == "north":
                    return self.rm1
    def rm4(self):
        def __init__(self):
            print "room 4"
            return self.rm4
    def rm5(self):
    def rm6(self):
game = Rooms()


=== You are in Room 1 ===
You are in a dark room.
Obvious exits are east and south.
What do you do? south
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "ta.py", line 141, in <module>
    game = Rooms()
  File "ta.py", line 44, in __init__
    current_room = current_room()
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable
shell returned 1



from sys import exit
from random import randint
def death():
    print 'You are "dead", I guess.'
def inp(prompt='What do you do? '):
    to_return = raw_input(prompt).lower()
    if to_return == 'q' or to_return == 'quit':
        print "Bye now~"
        return to_return
class Rooms(object):
    def __init__(self):
        current_room = self.rm1
        self.items = []
        while True:
            current_room = current_room()
    def rm1(self):
        print "=== You are in Room 1 ==="
        print "You are in a dark room."
        print "Obvious exits are east and south."
        while True:
            choice = inp()
            if choice == "east":
                return self.rm2
            elif choice == "south":
                return self.rm3
            elif choice == "look":
                return self.rm1
    def rm2(self):
        print "=== You are in Room 2 ==="
        if "haircomb" not in self.items:
            print "There is a high-tech looking keypad on the southernly wall,"
            print "next to the door."
            print "Upon closer inspection there are not numbers, but three"
            print "letters on the keypad: A, M, and Z."
            print "Do you try to guess the code?"
        print "Obvious exits are west and south."
        while True:
            choice = inp()
            if "guess code" in choice and "haircomb" not in self.items:
                return self.rm2guess
            elif choice == "west":
                return self.rm1
            elif choice == "south" and "haircomb" not in self.items:
                print "The door is firmly locked."
            elif choice == "south" and "haircomb" in self.items:
                return self.rm4
            elif choice == "look":
                return self.rm2
    def rm2guess(self):
        correct_answer = randint(1,3)
        guesses_left = 2
        print "You approach the keypad."
        while True:
            guess = inp("Which key do you press? ").lower()
            if guess == "a" or guess == "m" or guess == "z":
                if guess == "a":
                    guess = 1
                elif guess == "m":
                    guess = 2
                elif guess == "z":
                    guess = 3
                if guess == correct_answer:
                    print "The machine whirrs and then beeps."
                    print "The southernly door seems to be open now."
                    print "Suddenly, a haircomb falls from the bottom of the "
                    print "keypad. You take it."
                    return self.rm2
                elif guess != correct_answer and guesses_left > 0:
                    print "The machine whirrs and clicks %s times." 
                                                        % guesses_left
                    guesses_left -= 1
                elif guess != correct_answer and guesses_left == 0:
                    print "An alarm goes off and the police pick you up."
                    print "You are put on death row, because you live under a"
                    print "horrible dictatorship."
                print "That ain't no key on the pad, yo."
    def rm3(self):
        if "coin" not in self.items:
            print "You come into a room. A man stands at the doorway."
            print "He tells you that in order to pass the door, you need to"
            print "guess which hand holds the coin."
            print "Do you try to guess?"
        print "Obvious exits are east and north."
        while True:
            choice = inp()
            if "guess" in choice:
                return self.rm3guess
            elif choice == "north":
                return self.rm1
    def rm4(self):
        print "room 4"
        return self.rm4
    def rm5(self):
    def rm6(self):
game = Rooms()



